Thought I was posting my grand exit? If your reading this I had you fooled didn't I?
Surprisingly, my mother has invited me to Florida to check out her new apartment since her and my father seperated.
We rarely speak much because of conflicting ideas regarding the Jehovah's Witnesses, so this is an opportunity I will take advantage of to at least see my mom.
Just because she submits herself to that organization and sometimes terribly hurts me by things that she says, she is still my mom and I love her very much.
I pray that one day my love for her and my family despite the religious differences will show her and them that people who are not Jehovah's Witnesses are not as evil and worthy of death as the Watchtower would have them think.
Anyway, I am off for a few days, and I wanted to explain why I would be absent, since I tend to be relatively active on this board as of late.
By the way, the post by Scully was a JOKE. Some people take things WAYYYY too seriously.
Au revoir.