the truth, the whole truth &nothing but the...

by Marilyn 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marilyn

    I'm sure we all believed that we were members of the ONLY true religion. We knew that other people believed they had the true religion, but we knew they were wrong because we had the true religion. All other religions doctrines were mind shatteringly wrong and ours were brilliantly clear and overwhelmingly right. I know you must have felt as I did, so superior to all the others, that there was no comparison. We had the truth. Sometimes I used to think how lucky I was, that I, just one person amongst millions, had found the truth. I tend to think this belief is exceptionally powerful amongst JW - even though it exists in other religions, it seems to be exceptionally prominent in the Witnesses. Isn't it this that keeps them going when some of the gloss wears off? No matter what argument is thrown at them, their starting point is: they have truth, so any adverse arguement, no matter how rational, HAS to be wrong.

    Do you think JWs are unique in this or are Mormons, Moonies et al just as bad?


  • larc

    Marilyn, that was a fine peace of writing. You captured the mindset that I had, and I am sure that most here had when they were "in". Thank you for your contribution.

  • DakotaRed

    I've always felt that if you don't believe your religion is the right one, why are you in it? But, believing you have the truth and the only right religion is not unique to the dubs. I was raised First Assembly of God, an offshoot of Southern Bible Belt, Hellfire and brimstone preaching, Pentecostals. Although they don't like to admit it, they are nearly as bad, if not worse, in some respects, as the dubs.

    Any more, I have come to realize that which religion you belong to isn't what is important, but that you actually live your life, within reason, in a manner to not cause harm to your fellow man. I believe Jesus' words at John 13:34, 35 are some of the most over looked and ignored words he ever spoke.

    To me, that means that I don't really need a religion, just a spiritual connection to God.MOst all the rest of the things that Paul added are misused and often misquoted and actually do much harm to people, such as shunning, hating homosexuals, relegating women to subserviant positions, you name it. In fact, I still wonder why religion places so much more stock in Pauls words than they do in Jesus'.

    But, I feel that nearly all religions think they are better than the next. Catholics think all when come back to them and the Protestants think all Catholics will rot in hell, so they all as bad as the dubs to me, in that regard.

    <<<<<<<<<Stepping down from the lecturn awaiting counsel>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • joeshmoe

    I agree with Dakota to some extent, although most of those institutions he listed are operating in an open or fairly open environment -- at least when compared to the witnesses. While they, and their loyal members, may to some extent foster a superior attitude, those claims can be tested. Their members can go to other churches or talk with others and validate those claims from time to time.

    In any institutions that are basically a closed environment -- like the witnesses -- there is no need for the group to consider opposing viewpoints or outside opinions. They can be much more outspoken and forceful about being better than everyone else. And their members can never test out these statements (since it's a closed society it's forbidden) so they are taken at face value. I think that gives that "feeling" that they are right and everyone else wrong alot more power.

    P.S. Overall, I give you a "G" Dakota, and look forward to your next post!

    P.P.S. Now awaiting MY counsel.

    Edited by - joeshmoe on 22 June 2002 23:1:23

  • Marilyn

    Dakota I wouldn't presume to councel a brother! But you should have read out the scripture from John 13 34 35 coz I dunno what it says. (been out over 20 yrs). I am unable to believe in God - even though I've tried, I just can't. BUT if I were to believe then the most logical belief to me would be as you describe. Good people, living peacefully, and harming noone.

    Joeshmoe, I remember when a worldling said to me that it was very unhealthy having every JW sitting in a KH agreeing with everything that was said. I refused to take it on board at the time, but later when I started thinking for myself I remembered his comments very clearly. It is most unhealthy to have no opposing viewpoints open for debate.

    Btw I know a Mormon who is very much of the beliefthat she has the truth and no one else has it. It seems as strong a belief as dubs have.


  • DakotaRed

    Sorry, Marilyn. Here is what it says:

    RSV John 13:34-35
    34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
    35 By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."

    Although the dubs boast about it, I saw very little olove at any Kingdumb Hall I ever attended. Notice too, Jesus did not say it was a suggestion, but a commandment!

    Joeshmoe, I agree that the other religions I listed are more open, but trust me, they too have feelings of superiority.

    That is pretty much why I no longer have much use for any religion.


    Edited to add Joes counsel: I give you a "G" and encourage to move on to your next counsel point. Next time, though, use just a few more jestures, but no more single finger salutes.

    Edited by - DakotaRed on 22 June 2002 23:39:50

  • joeshmoe

    Edited 'cause Dakota beat me to post John 13:34, 35. (must not have had to dig around to find a bible like I did)

    I salute you!

    Edited by - joeshmoe on 22 June 2002 23:42:56

  • DakotaRed

    Well, Joe, besides the Watchtower CDs. I also have an NIV BIble Library which contains 14 versions and just happened to have it loaded. Luck was with me, I guess.

    Next time, I'll wait and let you have first crack at it, LOL


  • Undecided

    Hi Marilyn,

    I was bored last night and I picked up the bible and began reading, it was amazing how much of the text that I remembered as I read it and the explaination that had stuck in my mind all those years. I think the Jws have about as good an explaination as anyone as to the meaning of much of it, but so much of it is just speculation, fiction, and told as though they were on drugs, revelation as an example. I just can't accept it any more as the word of the creator. There is no message from a God that I have found.

    Ken P.

  • Marilyn

    :::::::::::::By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another."

    Shame on me for not knowing that one. Actually it was a key scripture in my leaving. I didn't know it was John. I took this scripture very literally. Our congregation members were constantly at each other throats, and my dub family was no exception. One day I decided that dubs didn't fit the fulfilment of "all men will know you are my disciples". Not even close.

    Ken: sorry to hear you were so bored last nite. I feel a bit the same way today - Sunday arvo.


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