Apparently, You Know is again sidestepping this issue. You Know you can run but you can't hide, You Know! I might be inclined to make a thread out of this issue if you don't respond here.
I would never have any reason, to sidestep, run or hide from you. Perhaps ignore a petty annoyance, but apparently you just need a Bible study, as you are, like I said previously, ignorant of certain basic facts. Jesus used the word lawlessness in connection with those who were not in subjection to divine law. For example, in the 7th chapter of Matthew Jesus will say to religious hypocrites who profess to do his will: "Get away from me you workers of lawlessness." Jesus wasn't saying that they were criminals, just not his disciples, like he said: "I never knew you." 1st John the 3rd chapter says that "all sin is lawlessness." So is according to that Scriptural use of the term that I made my remarks about Franz, and I stand behind them. / You Know