2 Things I notice

by Legendary U.2.K. 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Legendary U.2.K.
    Legendary U.2.K.

    #1 The Jehovah Witness told me 2 weeks ago that, the 144,000 Was part of their Group, I'm sorry but i'm just not falling for that.. lol, I love the WT, I speak to the witness About everyday believe it or not, but in Revelation it use the Word> "WERE" REDEEMED(KINGJAMES)? In Revelation chapter 1 verse 1 it said's things that must shorty come to pass, So it's common sense that Some "MESSIANIC PROPHECY"S has happen and some have not, Example(happen) Revelation 12 Verse 12, And about the 144,000 either they were taken already or They are dead in hell(Grave) waiting till after armageddon.... But Here's the Weird part, the Witness told me that some are there, and the rest is still alive, With the wt system... "THE BIG ASSEMBLY" BIG KINGDOM HALL, i Love going there, The yummy cakes they had, Bring back memories... Anyway I dont see how The 144,000 Would be part of them, Seems strange? What y'all think?

  • Legendary U.2.K.
  • Legendary U.2.K.
    Legendary U.2.K.

    President bush said Peace & Security the other day! Alright everybody that's 2 leaders.. I cant wait till it's on a Worldwide scale, I can vision it right now, The Whole World thinks it's peace and safe, then BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM HAHAHAHAH, final destruction Cometh... Y'all better prepare yourself, change your ways, Seek righteous, cause Like Christ said, SURELY I COME QUICKLY! Woooooooo hooooooooo....

  • NeonMadman

    You sound like a typical JW, thinking that every time a world leader uses the words "peace and security", it means that Armageddon is about to burst forth. I have a newspaper from 1974 when Gerry Ford was inaugurated as President. In his inaugural address, he promised "truth, peace and security." At the time, all the JW's got excited about it. After all, 1975 was only a few months away, so Armageddon was right around the corner, right? Well, it's been 28 years, and there have been five more Presidents after Gerry Ford. Armageddon isn't here yet.

    Actually, there is no solid biblical basis for the Watchtower's assertion that a specific cry of "peace and security" will be some sort of final signal that Armageddon is about to begin. The Bible merely says that people will be saying that when the day of the Lord arrives as a thief (i.e., unexpectedly), but that God's people will not be taken in. The fact that the Lord's Day is twice referred to in that passage as coming like a thief argues against some specific event as being a final harbinger of Christ's return. Otherwise, those who saw the event in question would know that Christ was about to return, and His return would not be "as a thief in the night."

    This is just another mind control tactic the Watchtower uses to keep the rank and file in constant expectation of the end. Some world leader or another is always talking about peace and security. I wouldn't be surprised if we could go back through the speeches of every U.S. President and find the phrase repeatedly. So, the JW's periodically get all agitated about the nearness of the end when such statements show up in news reports. It keeps them hard at work preaching and pushing literature, and makes them less likely to ask the wrong sort of questions.

    Edited by - NeonMadman on 25 June 2002 14:52:48

  • SYN

    Heeee's BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK! Told you you wouldn't be GONE FOR LONG! This site is addictive, eh?


    You see, even though I strongly disagree with you, that does not mean I won't be your friend! Mail me so we can chat!

    PS. Does the fact that India and Pakistan almost vapourized each other a couple of weeks ago not count against "Peace & Security"?

    Edited to add: "vapourized"

    Edited by - SYN on 25 June 2002 13:58:24

  • COMF
    Seek righteous

    Make up your mind, man. Do you want me to seek righteousness, or do you want me to become a witness?

  • cyrano


    You must think your special, that your in a special 'time' where politicians are crying peace and security.

    I got news for you, they've been crying that for thousands of years. Why? Probably because wars have been around forever.

    I remember 1986 was proclaimed the year of peace, and the President said we would achieve 'peace and security' between the two superpowers.

    Well, Jehovah's Witnesses like yourself got all excited just like they do anytime the politicians yap about it.

    The watchtower encourages that kind of excitement because people tend to sell more literature.

    Don't let the old geezers at the tower lead you on like they have done others for the past 120 years.

    Get out from their mind control and stop making them profits like slave labor.

  • LittleToe


    Did they tell you that they believe that ALL the remaining members of the 144,000 are JW's?

    I'm waiting for "peace and security" to be cried out in the middle east, in Koine Greek, since that was how and where it was originally vocalised

  • LDH
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  • SYN

    LOL @ Lisa

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