I was curious to see how many Pagans were on the board and what form you practiced. I myself am newer to the Pagan scene and am studying Witchcraft...something I secretly did when I was a teenage JW. Any way looking forward to hearing your comments.
How Many Pagans?
by Moridin 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
*raises hand*
But, verdict still out on what form I practice. Still trying to narrow down my beliefs some. Definately pagan, just not sure what kind yet.
You could call me a Rational Pagan.
If you ask me, JW's are the truest form of pagan's.
I'm like Xander. The pagan way is the one that feels *right* to me, but I'm not following a particular path at the moment. I'm doing a lot of reading and learning. My sister is studying Wicca and LOVES it.
You, uhh....DO know what the definition of 'pagan' is, right?
From The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition:
pagan Pronunciation Key (p
n.- One who is not a Christian, Muslim, or Jew, especially a worshiper of a polytheistic religion.
- One who has no religion.
- A non-Christian.
- A hedonist.
- A Neo-Pagan.
- Not Christian, Muslim, or Jewish.
- Professing no religion; heathen.
- Neo-Pagan.
Belieft.net has a better description:
To anthropologists and classicists, the term "pagan" means the religions "not of the book," that is, all polytheistic religions, including indigenous religions like those of the Native Americans and the religions of the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians.In recent decades, the term has been adopted by followers of the nature-centered religion known as Wicca and other pantheistic "neo-pagan" movements.
Prior to that, pagan was usually used to designate a person who was not a member of a dominant religion such as Christianity or Judaism, typically connoting negative personal and cultural qualities.
Well, as many here know, I could be classified as pagan, but I do not follow any certain style or belief set as I integrate different cultures into my spirituality. It's a personal thing. Primarily you COULD classify me as Wiccan, but that is not really true. I so hate classifications let alone a religious tag. This is a very complicated subject matter... I find some of my resources in Eastern culture, Egyptian culture, Celtic culture, Native American culture... see my point?
I guess I could classify myself as that but I'd rather say that I am Carol..who happens to believe in many of the same things that pagans do.
Carol--- of the unclassified class
the term "pagan" means the religions "not of the book,"
Thanks for the indepth definitions of the word pagan. But in my opinion, JW are far from anything close to christians. Perhaps the word pagan, isn't the best word to use here, but:
typically connoting negative personal and cultural qualities
This sentence just puts a bad taste in my mouth, it irks of the dub.