Dear Lucidentity : Try to Understand...

by Explorer 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Explorer

    Dear Lucidentity :

    Most of the people in this board have what's called a COMMON BOND. They all share the same "family" of harsh feelings toward the WTBS. They feel they have been hurt, lied to, exploited,...whatever else comes to mind by the WTBS.

    I must clarify much of these cases are for real. Others are just part of their own imperfection which doesn't let us as humans clearly see our own mistakes. But the COMMON BOND is always there.

    Some of these ex brothers have devoted entirely a huge part of their efforts in life to cause ruin to the WTBS now. Their inner drive is the most powerfull of all, HATE. Yes, hate is far more powerfull drive than love in imperfect men. The history of the world has been this way written in blood for mileniums, proving that fact.

    Of course no one likes to admit hate is his or her motive force, so it is more appealing to call such force justice, revenge, payback, or whatever other form of retribution for the hurt they have received, or feel they have.

    Honestlyall of those feelings are perfectly understandable. We all are only humans, and of course we all feel the need for retribution when someone hurts us. It might even happen to us some day in the future.

    You see, HATE is an illness, an ilness of the soul, and as such it should be treated. A person in such condition does not perceive his or her own symptoms of illness, and thats what makes it even more complicated to treat. However, hating those who hate you is not the way to go. Neither we can expect to be able to reach those hearts either.

    Everyones final destiny rests in Jehovahs mercy, and forgiveness. So it is HIM the only one capable to judge every single case. As for us, merely decayed flesh, it is not up to us to throw stones at anyone else, even if this person hates us. That was Jesuss path. The way of love. But thats a awfull hard road to take my friend. In fact so hard maybe some of us are just incapable of taking it to heart, or living by. But that again is Jesuss business only Only time will tell what the outcome of this war will be. As someone said once : The world is a circus my friend, we are all just performers, and the Gods are watching our acts. They will surely reward those of us acting according to their will.

  • SYN

    Yes, HATRED, darling, for an Organization that has promoted the killing and abuse of countless people, and never apologizes, and changes it's policy in such a way that for the entirely stupid reason of a simple doctrine change, people are left to die. This is the only proper emotion for me at this point with regard to the Society.

    And don't tell me about people making mistakes and being imperfect. The Tower quashes all dissent, and the Big Boys (TM) at the top are accountable to no-one. That is not a human mistake, that is called being drunk with power and is commonly referred to as a dictatorship.

    Whatever. I don't look down on you as a person, I just wonder how you can NOT hate such an Organization? I'm a very easy-going person, but the Society with it's smug, lethal manner just makes my blood boil. I hate it in the same way I hate AIDs and nuclear weapons, see? All of those things are deadly and take lives.

    Edited to add: I'm NOT flaming you, I respect your opinion. Unfortunately, the Tower doesn't respect mine.

    Edited again to add: Basically, I just want the killing, the abuse, and the mind-control and ruination of people's lives to end, then the Tower can do whatever the hell it pleases, create 7000 pages of crackpot doctrine for all I care - I JUST WANT TO STOP THE KILLING AND ABUSE! And if that means taking the entire Tower down, then so be it.

    Edited by - SYN on 25 June 2002 13:46:38

    Edited by - SYN on 25 June 2002 13:50:9

  • ballistic

    Explorer, you say that a common bond here is hatred of the WTBS. What is the WTBS? Do you mean those buildings in Brooklyn? What about all the printing facilities? Surely you can't mean a bunch of old men who write some of the Awakes? Can you? Or the literature itself? Or do you mean the local congregation and elders?

    Well, some of us were elders, some pioneers, we certainly attended the congregation and read all the Watchtowers, some people here were even aquainted with the governing body in Brooklyn.

    So, what did you mean?

  • SpiceItUp

    hate...hmmm..what a strong word...I'd rather say intense dislike

    My motto is to "Push away the negativity" (which entitles me to push away the organization)

    As far as any post I may have here that has undertones of anger...well I must say that I am angry...but usually when I am dismissed as just another "lost soul that jehovah will punish". I have a great capacity to love as all of us here do. I have never been sooo embraced like I have been here. And you call that hate. What we don't like is the fact that countless good people are misled and turn against their own flesh and blood over what a bunch of old guys tell them to do. Hatred..not in me...but the anger is. I am angry and am proud to admit it because I am indeed a survivor along with the rest here.

    SYN--- I respect your opinion as well...(((SYN)))

    btw---explorer why are you here....what is your common bond?

    PS---this right now is my anger not think it is against anyone person..only the circumstances we are in

  • roybatty

    There isn't anything wrong with hate itself. What is wrong many times is the reason someone hates and what they do with that hatred.

  • outoftheorg

    Hi guys. I am a newby here. I feel the need to reply to this thread. I lost faith in the org.

    around 1977. Hung around till 1990 because I did not want to lose my family and friends.

    I was an elder for about 4 years. When I found a relative of mine had been molested by

    an ELDER relative of mine and 4 other women came forward with acusations against this

    man, one of them being my daughter. I then went to the authorities and found that the case

    re. my daughter was past the statute of limitations. I then went to the elders. The end result

    was, they would not talk to my non witness relative. They said they believed two of the

    victims but, the decision was to do nothing. This triggered my telling them what i thought

    of them. Their attitude toward me from then on was hateful. They encouraged my wife to

    divorce me, and when I confronted them they dfd. me because I in their opinion showed

    rage. They of course told my sisters and brother and my children to shun me. My two

    sisters died and I recieved no info from their families and was not welcome to their burials.

    None of my family with the exception of my children will talk to me.

    In my opinion this is extremely hateful conduct carried on for 10 years now and taught and

    promoted by the WBTS. Life experience and the bible tell us we will reap what we sow. So

    why are you troubled that some of the people they hurt feel hate towards the org. What do

    you expect? LOVE ? The organization earned this hate. It is not directed to the individual

    witness. After all the org. tells their members to HATE the apostates. So hatred is ok in

    their eyes. I believe the hate we feel should be turned into useful anger to expose the profit-

    -prophet status of the WBTS.

  • StinkyPantz

    I am so sorry, I totally missed the point. . . maybe I'll go read it again. . .

  • larc

    Explorer, Didn't Jesus throw the money changers out of the temple? Didn't Jesus preach against the injustices of the religious leaders of his day? Didn't Jesus say that it was better to break the law (keeping the sabbath) than to let a man die? Yes, Jesus taught love, but he also taught us to fight against evil, and believe me, your organization has much evil to fight against. I don't hate Jehovah's Witness. I do feel "righteous indignation" towards their organization.

  • Farkel


    : Their inner drive is the most powerfull of all, HATE

    Yeah, but it's a "Godly" hate, so it's ok. Just ask the Watchtower people about that!

    Regular hate is bad.

    But Godly hate is good, since God hates those he hates.

    We want to emulate the goodness of God. Therefore we must hate, but only in a "godly" way.

    Mediocre hate is not acceptable. God will kill you if you only hate in a mediocre sort of way. God hates mediocre hate, but only in a "Godly" way. He'll still kill you, though.

    This is all Bible-based(tm).


  • SYN

    Thanks Spicey!

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