Andee v. Andi and Beautiful Garbage v. Billygoat

by Billygoat 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat

    Just wanted to clarify something...

    It seems as though the two of us are getting mixed up by some of you.

    I am Andi. Andi with an "i". Beautiful Garbage is Andee. Andee with two "e"s. Since many people call me "BG", short for Billygoat AND many people call Beautiful Garbage "BG" a shortened version of her moniker. I know this can get confusing. But we are two totally different people with totally different lives. We don't even look alike. I am short (5' 2") and Andee is tall (5' 10"). She has long blonde hair and I have short brown hair. We are VERY different people!

    Don't get me wrong - we like each other and respect each other deeply! We are just two separate people and it seems that a lot of you get confused as to who is who.

    Thanks for listening!

    *stepping off soapbox*


  • Hmmm

    Who's on first?

  • invisible

    Confusion? WhatKnot? You're too beautiful to get mixed up.


  • Valis

    BG...I keep getting you confused w/Neil...both so cute and innocent....hehehe both in need of a good spanking because you haven't called me and now I'm off to Apostafest in Minneapolis this week I have not had you over as my guests...yeah, greedy time together....I've heard that before...


    District Overbeer of the "bad association for some Apostates" class

  • bigboi
    Who's on first?

    I don't know.

  • Billygoat

    Who's on first?

    We're mud wrestling for it!

    ...both so cute and innocent....hehehe both in need of a good spanking!

    Hey! Hands off my man Valis!

    Hey bigboi - long time no see friend! Where've you been causin' trouble the last few months?

    Sorry everyone. Feeling a little ornery tonight!

  • D8TA

    Andi is not Andee, and both not to be confused with Andy and Andie. Should you mistake Andy with Andee, you must apologize to Andie and Andi via e-mail, but only if you have properly identified Andi not being Andy and Andie, but exclude Andee. When Andi,Andee, Andy, and Andie are in the presence of each other, they should refer to me as I, I as me, and me as you. Except, when me is I, you is me and I is you. For when you call yourself I, to Andy you are you, and Andi is me, but not me being Jay me, the me that identifies you who is Andee, I being Andy, me being Andie, you being Andi. So let's makes this clear shall we? I am Andi, Andee, Andy and Andie. Do not confuse the "and", for "and" has nothing to do with Andi, Andee, Andy "and" Andie. Nor should you confuse the I, me, you with me who is Jay...for Jay is not Andi, Andee, Andy, nor Andie; in which I do not confuse Andi with Andee, Andy with Andi, and Andie with Andee, Andi with Andy, nor Andee with Andy.

    Are we clear? Good.

    Thank you for reading the Handy Dandy Andi Andee Andy Andie Guide for JWD's Board Members

    ( no brain cells were destroyed in writing or reading of this post )


  • Hmmm
    Re: Andee v. Andi and Beautiful Garbage v. Bill... Jun 25, 2002 19:40

    I don't know.

    Third base!

  • Reborn2002

    LMAO @ D8TA!!!!

    Andee! Andi! Your both wonderful! ((((((((((hugs to both))))))))))))))

  • LyinEyes

    LOL D8 Ball !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ummm , could you please repeat that???? I think I did destory some brain cells reading that.


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