In contrast at the Kingdom Hal, once the closing prayer is finished, the last thing JWs want to talk about is what they've just sat through. The talk reverts immediately to mundance interests of house, car, sports, vacations, etc.
I'd like to 'pick up' on Roomie's comment. I've had the pleasure of attending Christian gatherings of various denominations/groupings and I've been 'struck' by the contrast to what takes place at the Kingdom Halls. Much like Room215 has commented, the talk at the "Babylonish" gatherings I've attended are in STARK CONTRAST to what I experienced at a multitude of Kingdom Halls around the world.
One contrasting feature is the humble recognition that the attenders are ALL sinners and so no-one can elevate him/herself above the other.
The other contrasting feature, (which has surprised me, I must admit!) is that there is little or no talk of "organisation". People attending may refer to themselves as 'Christian", but definitely do not speak in terms of belonging to an organisation, or even a denomination.
How different this is from what we were taught at the meetings and conventions! How different to what I myself taught those at Kingdom Halls and conventions!!
Cheers, Ozzie (of the learning the truth about 'the Troof' class)