Men: What's your favorite cologne?

by ozziepost 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Solace

    LB is right on!

    A mans natural scent. So masculine & hot!

    Oh, to smell of the back of his neck when hes hugging you.

    If I had to choose one, I would have to agree with Beautiful, it would be Obsession for men. Soft and slightly musky. Very nice, not overpowering.

  • b_ster

    I like CK One...

  • WildTurkey

    I wish they made a cologne that smelled like a credit card. Women would really like that!!!!! Lol

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Noooooo WildTurkey....not a Credit Card...Cash baby Cash!! Credit Cards have interest!

    In actual and credit cards smell like - oh never mind!


  • DakotaRed

    When I get home in the evening, I am wearing a subtle blend of burnt Quaker State 10w30, MOPAR Type 3 7176 ATF, and 87 Octane gas with just a hint of Diesel.

    Afterwards, just soap and water. Type of soap might be a subject of another fluff thread

    Hint: Guys, the ladies have been hiding a real effective soap from us for years.

    I usually only wear cologne on the weekends or when I got somewhere besides work. Although I prefer Stetson or Polo, I used to wear Grey Flannel. I tried Sex Appeal, but it was too sweet, besides, if you don't have it, it won't give it to you

    In years past, I wore British Sterling, Jade East, English Leather, Russian Leather and maybe a few others I can't remember.

    Lew W.

  • unclebruce

    Hey dannybearpong,

    Is that a skunk on yer head or are ya just pleased to see me? LOL. My Latvian mate bought me a big furry hat at the markets. Everyone recons i look scary in it (it's hard to see where it's grey hairs end and my beard begins lol... good for freaking out toddlers i guess lol)

    best wishes, skunklebruce


    You bin taking my fame in vain? Ok This is what I do. When I've finnaly squeezed the last drop from my little bottle of "au de smell" I go to Kmart and buy a bottle of another one that smells nice or at least bearable. It's a heartwrenting thing to part with the old and make way for the new. I never really think of myself as a sentimentalist but seeing that little bottle is a comfort and reminder of more civilized days to come when one has a bathroom cabinety or even a bathroom wall once again ... yes i must admit a man becomes attached to his cologne bottle after a year or three.

    trailer trash unc

  • ozziepost

    G'day unc,

    How's the running water? Just think of the time when you'll be able to flush again!!!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • dannyboy


    Such head pieces are quite common here in the People's Republic Of Northern California, at least amongst the lower classes.

    --DannyBoy (NOT DannyBear, BTW)

  • obiwan

    Mine would be gravity.Hasn't failed me yet.

  • unclebruce

    ROTFL@Dunnybrush! LOL

    freak'n 'ell how can i type while you're crack'n me up. here steady my soapbox boy iwhile i yell at dannybear he's a ways off ... That's the trouble with this country Danny ... just can't get a good coonskin hat. Geez while australias head'n fer the 1950's yer goin fer the 1750's! Typical Americans - overdo'n it agen.

    cheers, uncoolbruce


    G'day ozzie,

    Oh I got the 'flush thing' going years ago (born and raised a plumber ya know .. gotta fill the cistern with a bucket but lol.

    warm regards to mrs m.ozzie

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