Do you think these people, who come in here, on this board and defend Jws are for real? Do you think they really are good little Jws? Do you think they really want to help us, or just start trouble?
Jws that post here
by WildTurkey 16 Replies latest jw friends
I know that good little JWs are prohibited from even glancing at this message board (as it is "big-time apostate") let alone sign up and start a thread. I think these people are just starting trouble and it is a shame because there are some JWs that post here that are truly having a "Crisis of Conscience" and need our help.
Perfection Seeker
There are no real witnesses on here. I mean, no active witnesses. They would get disfellowshipped & shunned just for even looking at this website! Remember, the "APOSTATES" have commited the supposedly unforgiveable sin, so they wouldn't come in & associate with us or try to help us, since we're a lost cause & all. If someone is on this site- they have doubts, have left, are leaving, or want to leave. Pure & simple. For those who have been witnesses- you know the "terminology" & what is allowed & what isn't allowed- so just view their postings & you can tell if they are legit or not.
Kaiser Stuhl
i agree with perfection seeker to a certain extent. keep trying ps. but don't forget that not all witnesses are closeted, some of us even watch TV and ride cars to the beach and bath in public and buy rock CD's and play cards and have library cards and have sex and children and build houses and inhabit them and drive electric toothbrushes!
And some losers pretend they are witnesses just to stir up people, or to deflect attention away from issues they want people to ignore.
*yawns again*
Do you remember the talk at a convention many years ago that told us, "Just because we SAY we are a JW, doesn't mean that we ARE one." ? Our actions bear out the truth or falsehood of such a claim. If one claiming to be a JW is reading and/or posting in this forum, he/she is proving false to the claim that she/he is a JW. That one would be DFd if found out. That one is leading the definitive double life. End of story.
I believe that some are sincerely trying to defend their belief - but the majority have doubts of their own they are unwilling to face up to yet. They, like myself in the past, are trying desperately to convince themselves that they have the truth. The alternative is too freightening - too much time and energy has been invested in the path of the "truth" and to find out it is not real - a very scary situation.
Kaiser Stuhl
thankyou all for such a great welcome hahaha - so you don't think i should post here ***yaaaawn*** when can i post here? when i stop going to meetings? when i stop praying to Jehovah? when i get disfellowshipped? when i stop laughing and start taking you serious?
i do think prisca thinks she knows me personaly or something? did the cat caught her tongue?
Well I don't think we can lump them all into one category.
1. I say some are one their last leg in the WTS and want advice, help, suggestions and friends that know what they have gone through.
2. I think some seriously think they can somehow "save" us by trying to throw bible quotes that are misinterpreted at us.
3. I think some are here as find out who among us are dangerous
4. And some I think aren't even JW's and they just are bored and want to start up fights. This would explain why most of the ones in this category never answer any legitimate questions we post and instead argue semantics.
I am officially going to stop posting to those who I feel are in 2 or 3 or 4 as they are only a waste of time and energy that can much better be used to twiddle my thumbs among other things.
Everyone is welcome here, it`s posted when you come here. I for one will not ask you to leave. Nor call you names, nor tell you to shut up. Stay, just calm down. You are namecalling and getting reactions. Did you think we would all say oh thank you for the insults. We are not here to judge you, you have the watchtower bible and tract society and your kingdom hall elders to do that for you. We all understand your hard work and frustration. We were once in your shoes.