
by Undecided 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • SYN

    LOL, in SA our money is so worthless that we throw a lot of our coins AWAY!


    either the ann landers or the dear abby collumn has an ongoing thing...pennies from heaven. readers write in and tell of loved ones passing away and then they start finding pennies in very odd places. I cant remeber any of the stories. I do remeber that after reading them i allways say.."wow neat" to myself. Anyone have those kind of stories?

  • ISP

    LOL! Home....I am not that clever! I can just about find my own stuff!


  • ChakkaConned

    I think that she's a crackpot, but Sylvia Brown(pychic) says the same thing. She says that when you keep finding coins everywhere, it's one of your dearly departed ones trying to give you a sign.

    I joke to my husband that I have an earring "demon" in the house. I seem to have lost one of many sets of earrings. I have a dozen or so single earrings in my jewelry case without the match. Funny thing is that I remember putting them both in it when I take them off my ears.


  • airwlk149

    i'll put spare change in my bra.

    then later, at night when i am getting undressed and take off my bra, change falls down.

    it's really cool.

    i also have an ex presidents face imprinted on my boob.

    cool, huh?


  • Dawn

    My friend used to throw 99 pennies in the back yard and tell the kids there were 100 - gave her a few minutes of free time.

    So to all those mommies and daddies - keep those pennies, they may come in handy.

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    andi . when i was staying with mommy (wendy), her daughter and i found some pennies on the street while we were walking to the store. i taught her that little saying and she was so stoked . i remember the first time i found a penny on the floor of my dad's work shop and heard it.. he said 'find a penny, pick it up, and all the day you'll have good luck!' i didn't believe him until we were driving home that night we almost got into a serious car accident. 2 seconds from some serious damage and maybe even dying. i'm glad i found that penny!

    undecided, save those pennies and buy something nice

  • ISP

    In the Uk, football fans usually throw pennies at the footballers and referees as a mark of appreciation............


  • Bendrr

    I don't always pick up pennies I see on the ground, but my luck is pretty good anyway. Now other change I do pick up, since I am a "change-saver". Know what I do hate finding on the ground? Those business cards "accidentally" dropped by someone wanting to do some cheap advertising. One side of the business card is printed with a portion of a dollar bill (or a ten or twenty) and the other side is the business card.

    It's funny the things you will find if you just take the time to pay attention to everything around you especially the ground. Next time you're in your yard look closely at the ground. I bet some of you will find a marble or even two or more. (not sure if there's any good luck associated with that tho) I used to find them all the time while I worked for my dad in lawn care years ago. This was in yards belonging to old folks who hadn't had kids playing in the yard for years.


  • LB

    i'll put spare change in my bra. then later, at night when i am getting undressed and take off my bra, change falls down

    That sounded like a lot of fun. So I strapped on a bra and put in $1.87 in change. Soon as I dropped it in the changed exited. Didn't wait for me to remove the bra.

    I should have been wearing a cup or at the very least underware. I have presidents images on my "you know" now. Very red ones.

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