Daniel and Jesse Glick (webowners of JWZONE)

by sf 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf

    Hey Danny and Jesse,

    Has WTBTS hired you, yet?

    Oh! Incidently, I was just curious as to why, DANNY, your son JESSE (kickass cs students at NYU : http://www.cs.nyu.edu/courses/spring00/V22.0202-001/announcements.htm :


    This is the group list that we have to date, please e-mail us any corrections.

    Group 1: Akshay Arora, Abraham D. Chiswick, Jonathan Levy, Jordan S. Piel
    ( [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected])

    Group 2: Daniel Glick, Jesse Glick, Dipin Hora, Michael B. Allen
    ( [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected])

    (5 more groups listed in link above...DAN and Jesse, I assume you passed your exams with flying colors)

    ...posted this on ACB board RECENTLY?:


    Does GrannyMoogie know her posts on on an 'apostate' forum? DO ANY OF THEM?

    Or, was it you Daniel--and your son?

    Rhod Who's Who - Daniel GlickDaniel Glick. Real Name, Daniel. Other Aliases, None. I'm boooooring. ... Resistance
    is futile. Would you like the Watchtower and Awake? ...
    More Results From: www.geocities.com


    sKally, 'hello, Watchtower?' KLASS

  • sf

    Jesse' a cutiebootootie:

  • happy man
    happy man

    I am shocked and saddened by the lack of respect for the brave, faithful 16-year-old girl who is fighting to have her medical treatment stopped. She is only trying to worship her God in a way that defines her faith. I am truly angered over the way the hospital and doctors are handling this case. To a Jehovah's Witness, the forcible use of a blood transfusion is akin to rape. Interesting, let's rape our patient to save her! How sad. As a doctor of biochemistry and molecular biology, I also know that calling these transfusions "life-saving" is entirely incorrect. No physician can make such a claim. The long-term harm from such transfusions can be, and usually is, quite substantial. This young girl does not wish to die. She is only trying to live her faith, and that faith is being ripped from her. There are other treatments, if only the hospital staff would earnestly and honestly look for them! I hope you will do this young girl justice by printing this letter in whole.

    Dr. Kevin C. Orton

    this was from the JW site.

  • larc

    Happy Man, My, my, how your English has improved. Have you been healed of an affliction, or were you just playing with us in the past? My vote goes to game playing on your part, not very honorable in my opinion.

  • dungbeetle

    hey, unhappysh*t4brains man:

    I'm shocked an appalled by your lack of respect for human life. The 'rapist' is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, who would have expelled/shunned this girl in a SECOND if she had taken the blood.

    I'm shocked an appalled by the fact that you do not mind having your magazine money used by Watchtower lawyers to try and KILL A CHILD.

    Well, there are real people out there who DO CARE, and they ARE being heard. In spite of all your efforts.

    Now let me ask you: What would be wrong with a 'don't ask don't tell' policy on blood for children? Watchtower already has a 'don't ask' policy for a lot of things; elders don't usually go around asking, one per year, all the publishers if they have committed adultery, smoked, become drunk, homosexuality, had an abortion, and on and on.

    So where is the harm in extending this to blood, especially for children? I would think too, that with the removal of the expulsion/shunning for blood usage, those who refuse blood treatment have a better chance of having their wishes respected as medcial care providers will see this 'pressure' has been removed from their patients.

    Simple IS somtimes better.

    Would you NOT SUPPORT a "Don't ask don't tell" policy for blood. This does not go toward the issue of whether blood transfusions are biblical; it infringes on no INDIVIDUAL's right to practice their religion.

    "Don't ask "" already exists for many many issues within the Watchtower. Adultery, alcoholism, smoking, abortion, homosexuality, and many mnay more. Th elders don't usually go around asking each publisher once per year "Have you" or "Do You"...it's 'don't ask'.

    What would be the harm in extending this policy to blood? It would be good for Watchtower to do this for the sake of publicity; and medical care providers would be more likely to allow individuals to refuse blood treatment if they knew that this pressure was not being exerted on the patient.

  • Kismet

    I could be missreading Happy Man's post but it appears he was simply quoting something from the JW site.

    Nice reactions from the two of you.



  • dungbeetle

    Yes, Kismet, it was a quote, but don't you think happyman quoted it for a reason? Have you gone back and read all of happyman's posts? I have, I believe I replied on his vey first post to the board.

    So, at least up untill now, I am familiar with how he says he feels about a lot of things. I WAS responding to happyman DIRECTLY, around his quote.

    hey Kissy, that's what happens when you get in the middle of a relationship!!!!!!!!!!! Stay OUT of those domestic disputes!!!

  • Kismet

    You missed the point Dung.


    You just go ahead and keep calling people shit for brains. I am sure it will yield much success.

    (shaking my head)

    Kismet - who thinks a 'domestic dispute' should be kept domestic then and off a PUBLIC discussion board.

  • sf

    Hi Dungbeetle,

    Just curious if you knew it was a quote BEFORE Kismet pointed it out. Please, be honest.

    At first, I thought, what did it (the quote) have to do with the GLICKS thread. Then I realized it was a 'paste', as I had just read that earlier (on the Zone) the day before I posted this thread. I also wondered what the hell it had to do with PROVING THE GLICKS ARE MONITORING THE INTERNET FOR WTS (AND) workig i covert and overt ways within certain exjw sites.

    Todays search on these 'characters' yielded much fruit I WILL NOT REVEAL AT THIS TIME. Suffice it to say, 'fireworks' shall be seen ALL SUMMER LONG.


    Why DID you 'paste' this? Please tell me.


  • happy man
    happy man

    I post unother mans poll, from the link first here give, this was from an JW site, very intresting reading, if you go inn ther you can see how a lot of JW are resoning, always look on the other side of the coin,that what I do when i am here.

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