I attended the assembly on Vancouver Island and I heard that talk and made notes; I posted a thread on it at:
I thought at district assemblies the talks were all pre-prepared and were read word for word at assemblies. What I heard and what is recorded in Silent Lambs transcript are not quite the same in wording. I distinctly heard certain phrases, misinformation and propaganda, was one of them. The speaker I heard enumerated, one two three four. things in the world that are to be avoided as harmful influences.
The part that I heard which is similar to this quote in SLs transcript.
If Jeremiah was living in the 21st Century what association or trust would he have placed in the media, TV and worldly news sources? He would have had nothing to do with them knowing they were part of Satan's world. .............
...........let us make it our resolve not to be associated with or listen to those who criticize us using worldly sources controlled by Satan. Jehovah is stronger than Satan and whatever the media might say they cannot win against us.
These words may have been watered down. They still say the same thing in the SL transcript that I tried to emphasize in my post. That the news media is part of Satans world and what they say about Jehovahs Witnesses is misinformation and propaganda. So when we have any opportunity to discuss things with the press, I am sure the media reporters would be glad to hear where the WT is coming from.
The speaker that I heard definitely used the text Ephesians 5:32, But become kind to one another, tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving one another just as God also by Christ freely forgave you, after the above comments about the news media. In other information put out by the WT part of their defense has been that they have the right to forgive any repentant pedophiles
So I am led to believe that the thread of his talk went like this: We live in troublesome times, we must stay focused (TM) (word used at least three times) Do not be alarmed at news media reports, they are from Satan . Mistakes are made, like Baruch, who had difficulty focusing. So freely forgive one another.. but he didnt say what for.
William Penn, made an audio tape of this talk. Perhaps someone could take the time to compare his audio tape with the transcript of Bills talk.
Either the WT is watering down their talks, or they are allowing different talks at different assemblies to add diversity and maybe giving some leeway to the speakers. The speakers may be preparing their talks from an outline, but they still seem to be reading it.
I regret the length of this post, but feel that we need to see what they are doing and to expose their foot in mouth postures for all to view.