S.Lambs Comments re: Drama Talk @ DC

by abbagail 14 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • abbagail

    This just in from Silent Lambs. /GRITS
    From: "silentlambs" [email protected]>
    Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 17:48:54 -0500
    To: [email protected]>
    Subject: Drama Talk

    This is a rough draft of the talk follow the Drama at the DC. Do you see any subliminal reference to Dateline?

    Notes on the Talk - Be Like Jeremiah, Fearlessly Proclaim the Word of Jehovah

    Since 1919 we have been experiencing times that ancient men of old like Jeremiah could only dream about. We have become a part of something delightful, beautiful, life preserving, yes our being gathered here today shows there exists a spiritual paradise provided by Jehovah. Even though we have these benefits our times are more troublesome and worse than Jeremiahs times. The reason we are persecuted and suffer abuse is that people dont understand our way of true worship (Jer.15:18-19)

    There are those who would criticize and ridicule Jehovahs people, sometimes it is motivated by outright hatred, in addition, there are financial pressures, families are under attack as well as health problems, all these pressures can cause our love for Jehovah to be worn down. How can we endure and fearlessly proclaim the good news? (Rom 15:4) Our reason for hope has been highlighted by the Bible drama seen today and is part of the things written beforehand for our instruction. Will we listen to that instruction? Do we really appreciate benefits the spiritual paradise brings us? (Heb 12:2)

    Whether we look back into the things written beforehand or look ahead into the things prophesied, either way we look we are given the basis to gain hope. We can learn many lessons from the example of Jeremiah a faithful man of old. The problems he faced are similar to problems that are being experienced by us today. Jeremiah was treated without honor he endured a great deal of persecution. It is interesting to note all age groups hated him and joined in the ridicule of this faithful servant of Jehovah.

    In the drama, elders and little boys joined in persecuting faithful Jeremiah. Today we also have to face that kind of ridicule from those associated with Jehovahs organization. Remember Urijah a companion and fellow prophet with Jeremiah. When the heat was turned up he lost faith and proper focus on pleasing Jehovah. Instead he fled to Egypt and was subsequently returned to be executed for neglecting his assignment. Imagine how Jeremiah must have felt by being betrayed by a fellow servant, how would you be affected if a fellow publisher or elder was to have similar conduct?

    Another example citied in the program was Baruch. Though being a loyal and faithful man even he lost proper Christian focus at times, even so, by enduring faithfully he made it to the end. (Jer.45:3,5) What about us today? Do we lose our focus at times? Do we feel weary and sigh? Baruch started to try and create a comfort zone for himself. This was the wrong course as he was corrected by Jehovah for his actions. (Jer.45:5) Baruch was reminded not to put trust in men but to keep his faith in Jehovah.

    Then there was Jeremiah, from early times he was insecure,(Jer.20:9)not a fluent public speaker, how could Jeremiah continue to faithfully follow his commission? (Jer.20:11) We can learn from Jeremiahs example today by relying upon Jehovah as we live in a spiritual paradise in this wicked world. Jehovahs people are facing problems as an organization. In France through malicious propaganda brothers are being persecuted. In other areas there are those who distribute literature to discredit Jehovah. (Jer.15:16) How can we cope with such persecution? We must show ourselves eager as in Jeremiahs day. (2 Tim 1:7-8) It is important to keep a sound mind in troublesome times, do not allow false reasoning to influence our thoughts. Jeremiah was very careful of his associates there is a fine lesson in his example. (Jer.15:17) If Jeremiah was living in the 21st Century what association or trust would he have placed in the media, TV and worldly news sources? He would have had nothing to do with them knowing they were part of Satans world. Today would it be any different? Our lot is to use the Christian brotherhood as a source that we can rely upon for truth. We know what the TRUTH is, therefore let us make it our resolve not to be associated with or listen to those who criticize us using worldly sources controlled by Satan. Jehovah is stronger than Satan and whatever the media might say they cannot win against us. (Emphasis added by GRITS).

    Let us all endeavor to have Jeremiahs courage as we face these trial some times. We know these trials will not be for long as we look forward to serving for eternity in an earthly paradise in the new system that Jehovah promises in the very near future.
    Commentary by GRITS: I thought it sounded like a normal, "nice," convention talk, until the blatant media comments stuck out like a sore thumb. Are they actually asking the "brethren" to ASSUME UP FRONT that the Dateline show and other newspaper articles, Newsweek articles, etc. were ALL (every last word) a pack of lies??? That is so ABSURD for them to (a) say it; (b) think it; and then (c) try to get the "entire association of our brothers" to DISMISS EVERYTHING in the news (i.e., more specifically, the "bad" news about JWs) as being from Satan!!! -- This gets me irked for sure. WTS loves to use the world news when it suits the prophecies of "end times," etc., but when it is "bad news exposing the JW pedophiles, etc.," then they say it is disloyal/unfaithful to "believe the news" (media)! Ba Hum BUG! Arrggh! I'm going to bed, irritable and irked. [>:(]

    PS: That sentence: "Our lot is to use the Christian brotherhood as a source that we can rely upon for truth" really got my goat, too. It sounds to me like what they are REALLY saying to the "brethren" is this: "ONLY listen to WHAT WE TELL YOU ABOUT THE PEDOPHILES. DON'T BELIEVE YOUR BROS or SISTERS WHO MAY HAVE BEEN RAPED OR ABUSED, BUT ONLY LISTEN TO WHAT WE TELL YOU FROM THE PLATFORM!" (GRITS' New World Translation)

    Edited by - GRITS on 26 June 2002 21:23:4

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    a small point but is this a typo or what they really said/meant?

    Another example citied in the program was Baruch. Though being a loyal and faithful man even he lost proper Christian focus at times, even so, by enduring faithfully he made it to the end. (Jer.45:3,5)
    Now in regard to the article - now what did ya expect?
  • ignored_one


    And they wonder why people think they're a weirdo religion.

    Ignored One.

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough
    Are they actually asking the "brethren" to ASSUME UP FRONT that the Dateline show and other newspaper articles, Newsweek articles, etc. were ALL (every last word) a pack of lies???

    The elders in this area already are using that excuse.

    I have heard back from ones who did ask the elders about the Dateline show and they are answering: "It was just lies from apostates out to cause trouble for the WTS".

    That answer is from elders that didn't even watch the show...so where are they getting this direction from? hmmmm.....

    I'd like to see those elders and other JWs cornered with: "What part was the lies? How can you say that if you didn't see it for yourself?" and a whole lot more...

    Had Enough

  • ozziepost
    I'd like to see those elders and other JWs cornered with: "What part was the lies? How can you say that if you didn't see it for yourself?" and a whole lot more...

    How true. "There's none so blind as those who will not see."

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • jack2

    Good post Grits,

    Rather than actually present evidence that what is being said about the organization in the media is false or distorted, once again the tactic used is simply to dismiss everything outright as pack of lies. To those who are able to use thinking ability, it becomes obvious that the WTS is using such methods rather than addressing the real issues.

    Had Enough - good points.

    Also, Grits, interesting observation about their claim that Satan (that poor guy gets blamed for everything) is using the news media, but when something favorable appears in the media concerning jws, all of a sudden it's okay to accept it.

  • Mary

    How frigging typical!! I think it's just so pathetic when they come out with drivel like this.......funny how they never specify which parts were lies, or how they can prove that it was all a pack of lies; nope, instead it all falls under the blanket of "if they say anything bad about us, it's all lies from 'apostates'"..............Why didn't they just come out and mention the word "DATELINE"?? Why didn't they give proof that none of these brothers and sisters were molested as children and then shunned by the congregation when they brought it out in full? Why don't they tell us how "apostates" are trying to deceive everyone? Maybe something like: "Apostates will try and draw you away from The Truth by showing you both from the bible and secular history, that Jerusalem was not destroyed in 607BCE, it was destroyed in 586BCE. This of course, would totally screw up our timeline and would prove beyond doubt that Jesus did not "return invisibly" in 1914, which means that Jehovah did not appoint us as His Faithful and Discreet Slave Class in 1918 (or is it 1919?), which would mean that we have absolutely no spiritual authority over any of you. As we demand unquestioning and blind faith from all of you, we want you all to ignore anything they might say, as we have no defense whatsoever."

  • hawkaw

    Of course Dateline ASKED for examples of how strong the WTS policy is ......

    ..... after 6 long months after the request the WTS provided 2 cases that DID NOT involve a JW who was accused of child rape.

    .... the cases they did find. Fitzwater STILL a Witness in good standing even though he raped 17 little kids, and of course the Erica and New Jersey case just to name a few.

    So who is lying to who?


  • avengers

    I have informed John Walsh of America's Most Wanted about the pedophile situation within the Watchtower Walls.

    I hope he takes my comments seriously.


  • crawdad2

    gosh,........ i wish the elders or the gov body would put in writing that the dateline program is all "lies"...... if you are still going to the meetings, it would be nice if you could get someone to put that in writing!......... i'm sure the lawyers at dateline would be interested in that statement.

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