$1,000,000.......... jw child abuse victims

by crawdad2 23 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • crawdad2

    i don't like $450,000 us dollars................... i think one million, or more, US dollars is more like it,... for damages. .......to a jw child molestation victim that has all the names and times.......and stuff about how the elders told you that you don't have 2 witnesses...........did they make you read 1 tim 5:19 to them,... out loud?

    1 tim 5:19 do not admit an accusation against an older man.....except only on the evidence of 2 or 3 "witnesses".......20. "reprove" before all onlookers persons who practice sin........that the rest also may have fear.

    did they tell you to keep quiet?....... or they would reprove you?

    Edited by - crawdad2 on 27 June 2002 0:37:17

  • Southland


    I think your enthusiasm is commendable. But to me, you are coming across a little fanatical. It has been said before that every situation is unique and there are a lot of factors that go into determining an injury award. It's not possible to come up ahead of time with $450,000 or $1 million as appropriate figures. This is something best left to legal counsel.

    (Hoping I don't get Crawdad2-flamed.)

  • crawdad2

    i know, southland.

    the people on this site like you don't want to encourage any victims to "sue" the loving, caring, gov body......... and to suggest one million, (or more) for damages........ hahahaha....... victims should be ashamed of themselves, .... right?........... wouldn't it be better, if we just "wait on jehovah".......and shut up?......... i mean,... just cause the gov body makes rules that harbor child molesters and punish victims, is no reason to get all excited and actually "sue" their organization,....... right?.......... and, no one could possibly win in court against the lawyers of the gov body anyway, right?.........

  • hawkaw


    I know we have kinda gotten off on the wrong foot cd2.

    But oddly, I am helping out in a lawsuit right now. I know that I am the same guy who you were accusing on the board as being against/discouraging lawsuits without any justification. But I am actually taking free time out of my life to help someone in a fight just like you wanted.

    Now tell me cd2, would you be willing to come to the court location at a date that I give and support the person with this same awesome level of enthusiasm? OR are you going to continue to post the same nonsense on this board about people discourgaing lawsuits and not becoming involved.

    You may have to travel a few thousand miles?

    If you do. Tell me and in the near future I will give you the location and time.


    Edited by - hawkaw on 27 June 2002 11:2:32

  • crawdad2

    hi hawkaw!,........ why should victims let only "you" help them?................ why shouldn't they find a lawyer who is not afraid of the gov body, and sue?.............. are you suggesting it's ok if victims sue, as long as they check with "lawyers you work with" first?..........and suing the gov body without you is all nonsense?

  • hawkaw

    Again we are getting off on the wrong foot.

    I DID NOT say I should be the ONLY one helping them. Everything you just stated I completely deny and am certainly NOT supporting anything that you just stated. The victim, a very smart and couragouswoman, picked legal counsel a long time before I got involved.

    What I did say was I am involved in a case. Do you want to help with your support or not? Believe me, no one I know is afraid of the GB and are against the GB's policy one child abuse.

    Come on - let me know? I will give the time and place in the near future.


    p.s. - I am a happily married guy to my wife of 9 years. We have a 6 year old little boy. I just help out where I can.

    Edited by - hawkaw on 27 June 2002 12:10:17

  • sf

    Um, craw, do you, uh, yahooooooooooooo?

    I'd love to have a chat with ya if you are installed. Let me know, k?

    If you need some help helping hawkaw, let's chat and we'll see what we can do.

    So many kids craw, so little time...for THEM. Let's get movin' on this with ACTION, not just words.


  • crawdad2

    hi hawkaw and sf,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i think we are getting off on the right foot!!!............. both of you consider it "nonsense" .........to attract lawyers and victims to sue the gov body for big money..........

    you don't consider it nonsense if victims contact you, or any organization you advocate........ in fact you want me to stop trying to attract lawyers and victims to sue the gov body for big money,,,,,,,,,, and hurry and go help you...

    ps....... i noticed you edited "nonsense" out of your comment to me above.......... isn't that decietful?

    Edited by - crawdad2 on 27 June 2002 13:19:2

  • hawkaw

    Wrong. Keep going and please don't stop. Its just that your of presentation was sometimes not all that it should be. But please keep on posting.

    Anyway I will take it by your lack of an answer that you don't want to help an actual victim of abuse who is going against the WTS as we speak - but thanks anyway for at least reviewing the request.


  • crawdad2

    hi hawkaw...................."my presentation was sometimes not all that it should be"???.......hmmmmm...... and yours is?............ tell me how deceitful it is to edit the phase "nonsense" out of your comment, after i already answered it.......?

    thank you for accusing me of not wanting to help an ............ "actual victim"...... victims who are still being molested as we speak, will be helped sooner if lots of cases go court and the lawyers all sue for big money........

    if you are a victim, and someone like hawkaw is telling you now is not the right time to sue......... please don't listen to him.

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