As long as your not a JW already that is!!!!!!
That being said the August 15, 2002 edition of The Watchtower carries the cover article "To Whom Should You Be Loyal?" which contains several experiences of ones who gave up their old religion and despite much opposition became Jehovah's Witnesses. Whilst reading the article I stopped and realised that this could apply to those within the JW organization, especially those raised in it who begin to hav doubts about their religion. Here are some good quotes:
From page 4:
"Our country:........May she always be right, but our country, right or wrong." - Stephen DEcatur, U.S. naval officer, 1799-1820.
"Unquestioning loyalty to one's country is seen by many as their paramount obligation. Others would rephrase Stephn Decatur's words, 'My religion, may she always be right; but my religion right or wrong.'
"Realistically, the country or religion that demand our loyalty is often determined by the place of our birth, but the decision about whom we should be loyal to is too important to leave in the hands of chance. However, questioning the loyalties with which one is raised takes courage and creates challenges."
Don't most JW feel the same way? "My religion right or wrong" they say, even if some of them have doubts about what the organization currently teaches. Of interest I wonder how many soon to be ex-JW's were commended for their courage at judicial meetings?
From page 6
"Yet, once Saul gained accurate knowledge of the Bible, he did what many of his peers viewed as unthinkable. He changed his religion. Saul, who later became known as the apostle Paul, chose to be loyal to God rather than tradition."
From page 7:
"It takes courage to question our faith and why we are loyal to it, but the rewards can be well worth the effort when the result brings us closer to Jehovah God."
That last quote is a classic!