Gay Pride Week: Who's Celebrating & How?
by Fire Dragon 53 Replies latest jw friends
Double Edge
I'll bet 5 to 1 that he could Mike.
I think he'd scream when he saw you Mike!
I live smack dab in the middle of the Texas version of Soddom and Gomorrah..*L* The transvestite hookers are my favorite thing to watch...fighting over a corner, then the cops come and make them go on their way...5 minutes later there they are...fighting over the most properous corner!!! If I were not going to be in Minnesota tending to the flock, I would go to the pride parade, although I'm not sure its this weekend.. Its like Mardi Gras....we call it The Drunk Pride Parade...all the freaks come out of the woodwork in full regalia. One of the best things is, that the parade puts a highlight on AIDS awareness activities here in Dallas. There are large clusters of poor people in the surrounding apartment buildings that are near the long strip of gay clubs and businesses and they all come out for the parade. The get free condoms, AIDS info and info on other social services, which is very important. Its also one of the times its legal to walk around w/open containers, so its like a gigantic block party.
District Overbeer
Mike, seeing as how my husband grew up in Harlem/South Bronx, I'd bet he'd get a kick out of you.
Especially in that tacky tiara/veil getup.
The Star says:
LOL @ LDH!! You're so awesome, I wish I had your balls! LOL!
Contact Mike. He's got a set he hasn't used yet!
have fun at pride, all of you guyz/galz that are celebrating yourselves.....
sydney celebrates in February...
but this year there are some great parties and events (so-called "cultural" also) to be enjoyed at the "GAYGAMES" in November..... cum and party with us..!!!
and zenpunk -- being bi is okie... it's perfectly normal -- just part of the wide range of human and animal sexual behaviour that can be observed on our planet..
there is not a str8 line cut-off in homosexual/heterosexual feeling -- probably a str8 line from extreme homosexual to extreme heterosexual feeling would be more like a bell curve with most people in the centre capable of swing both ways....
so swing honey, swing!!!!!
Our's in San Francisco is this weekend. So, on Saturday and Sunday our Support Group for GLBT ex-Dubz will have a booth in the Civic Center. We used to march in the Parades, but last year did the booth instead and got hundreds of people stop and talk to us. Most were ex-JWs, but some were friends either of active or ex-JWs. We even got a contact with a lady who did a radio interview with us. You can hear the interview on our website by clicking the link "listen to our radio interview" half-way down the home page.
Probably will stop by The Castro on Saturday evening for "Pink Saturday", the annual party where literally many blocks are closed to through traffic [including the main thoroughfare Market Street].
John W Wirtanen
ROLFLMBAO @ The Mr. Bean Bride picture, Zenpunk, Valis and Lisa!!!!
My name is Walt COllins, I'm a 23 guy in Melbourne, Australia, migrated from the UK 4 years ago.
I've been going through some pain lately, my mother (still in the
UK) and I have really had a rough period and she's decided to put
her religion before me and after many heated conversations, we are now no longer in contact.
She's a Jehova's Witness... and classes my homosexuality alongside
acts of beastiality, I go against god's law. bla bla bla.
For 8 years she has known about me and we've had an agreement not
to discuss it and that I should shelter her from that part of my life.
She was planning a visit to Melbourne but made it quite clear that
I have to put on hold any links to my 'gayness' whilst shes here,
including Leon (my partner of 2 years) and his family. She's written
a 6 page religious crap letter to Leon's mum (who is Catholic yet
has been amazing about the whole thing) saying how could she possibly
condone our relationship... it's a nightmare.
This letter is damning, it's hurtful and it's infuriating. I told
it';s best that she doenst come for a visit here. I've also told
her that for 8 years I've accepted her religion and understood her
recent decisions to convert to this cult but now no longer will
I stand back and let her write and speak about her own son like
this. I made it clear that I will hold a personal mission to create
bad publicity against Jehovas Witnesses and that I have taken an
active descision to no longer accept her religion. She told me that
I will go to hell like the rest of them.. and that she no longer
wants to hear from me...... this is so hurtful and I'm really devastated...
theres more too it but I can't possible begin to write about it..
it'd take forever..... I guess the reason I'm writing to you is
for a bit of guidance or advice as to what to do... is it too harsh
for me to finally stand up for my sexuality.. or should I respect
the choices my mum has made and her views?
Also, I want people to know about the brainwashing views and acts
of this religion.. and want to create some publicity in the UK about
all of this..... there's so much anger inside of me.. I'm being eaten alive by all of this.
It's all happened today.. on my birthday and I feel like shit...if
I had a gun I'd bloody well like to end it all today.
I'm a normal guy, an ambitious TV producer, not 'gay' acting, just
a regular guy who was born differently in terms of sexual orientation...
I play Aussie rules footy... ya cant get much more butch than that!!!!!!!
So.. sorry to write with such a miserable email... but I thought
you may understand and have experience on these issues.
Looking forward to hearing from you with any advice
Warm regards'
Walter Collins