Choose-A-Urinal Challenge!

by WildTurkey 16 Replies latest social humour

  • WildTurkey

    Take the first annual, Choose-A-Urinal Challenge! Men should ace this test (or suffer the wrath of men everywhere)... women are on their own. But, there IS a code of the rest room that MUST be followed. The, following is the urinal configuration in a sample men's room. An X above the number will indicate "in use."


    X X
    1 2 3 4 5 6

    Indicates men are at stalls 3 and 6.

    You mission is to identify correctly, based on proper urinal etiquette, the stall at which you should stand. Good luck!

    Easy Section

    1. Urinals 2 and 4 are occupied.

    X X
    1 2 3 4 5 6

    Enter your choice here: __

    The correct answer is 6. It's the ONLY one to go to and every guy instinctively knows this.


    Enter your choice here: __

    The correct answer is 6. Stall 5 is acceptable, but you run a greater risk of being next to someone who arrives later.

    Kind of Tricky Section

    3. No urinals are occupied.


    Enter your choice here: __

    The correct answer is 1 or 6. By choosing one of these, you are tacitly saying, "I don't want anyone next to me."

    X X X

    Enter your choice here: __

    The correct answer is 1. You're stuck being next to at least ONE guy, so you minimize the impact and get a wall on your left. NEVER go between TWO guys if you can help it. Exceptions to this are stadium rest rooms where the herd thunders in.

    Subtle, Tricky, but Important to Know Section
    5. Urinals 2, 5 and 6 are occupied.

    X XX

    Enter your choice here: __

    The correct answer is 4. Believe it or not, 1 or 3 "couples" you with the guy in stall 2. And we wouldn't want THAT now, would we? This differs from question 4 in such a subtle way that the nuances cannot be explained. Suffice it to say, only we men would understand!

    VERY Tricky Indeed Section
    6. Urinals 1, 2, 5 and 6 are occupied.

    XX XX

    Enter your choice here: __

    The answer is NONE! You go to the mirror and pretend to comb your hair or straighten a tie until the urinals "open up" a bit more. If you have to go REAL, REAL BAD, for God's sake, man, use a stall with a door!

    Other Parts of the Unwritten Code of the Urinals:

    NO Talking, unless it's a good friend... but even then, keep it terse and unemotional. This ain't no clubhouse.

    I don't think I need to tell you, but absolutely NO touching of anyone other than yourself. A touch of another's elbow is the highest offense.

    NO Singing. Period.

    Glances are for purposes of acknowledgment only..."Yeah, I see you there. I will not look again."

    Who'd have thought SO much goes into a seemingly simple process?

  • Hmmm


    I must disagree with #5, however. That question is unanswerable, as there is not enough information to make a proper decision. For example, what is the status of the stalls directly behind urinals 3 and 4?


  • Robert_V_Frazier

    And don't forget, the entire urinal must be hosed down before attempting to disintegrate the cigarette butts at the bottom. If any survive, go load up on the diuretic of your choice (iced tea or beer) and return to finish them off.

    Robert Frazier

  • unclebruce

    Warning: Ladies please log out - this is secret mens business!

    g'day wild turk,

    personally i prefer to keep my fellow urinal users on thier toes. for example: where X = mr.slowpee and I = me I do the "did that guy just hose closer? manouvre"









    I won

    or alternatively and maybe even more disturbing:








    I'm just glad this thing hasn't got a dunny out the back .. there'd be a piss war fer sure

  • TruckerGB

    Brilliant,Im in hysterics here,its so true as well.

    Dont forget that those stainless steel mushroom things that are supposed to stop cigarette ends blocking the drain holes up,you can actually get a tune out of them depending on the angle they are hit!.

  • Englishman

    What really pees (ha, pees!) me off is when someone at an adjacent urinal wants to start up a conversation.

    This is normally along he lines of:

    "This all goes back into the barrel, you know".

    "Aaaaah, that's better!"

    "Bloody prostate, I've been here since last Thursday"

    "I wasn't wanking you just caught me shaking it".

    And the appalling, TruckerGB will confirm this, now deceased little Welshman who would announce to the whole pub before he evacuated his bladder:

    "Render unto the sewers that which was the brewers!"

    Yup, communal peeing is another way of life!


  • WildTurkey

    What about the guy who farts, and looks at you and says, damn!! or the guy who stands so close to the urinal you know he is getting spash back.

  • TruckerGB

    Another favorite is,

    'in six months time you will be drinking this again',

    then go into a lengthy conversation about sewerage plants,sea,clouds,rainfall,water,brewing and so on.

    Breaks the ice at partys.

  • WildTurkey

    Lol. Trucker. When i go to the urinal and i know someone in there i like to call his name and say, as im looking down, come here and look at this, is that a tick?? I also like to yell as I piss, IT BURNS OH GOD IT BURNS

  • unclebruce

    at primary school my mate and i got caught playing "who can pee highest up the wall where the windows are" (we didn't know they were open :(

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