Credit Bureau Changes effective 7/1/02

by closer2fine 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • closer2fine

    I received this email today - can anyone check if it is true or another email hoax??


    Just wanted to let everyone know who hasn't already heard, the four major
    credit bureaus in the US will be allowed, effective July 1, to release
    our credit info, mailing address, telephone numbers, etc., to anyone who
    requests it. If you would like to 'opt out' of this release of your
    info, you can call 1-888-567-8688. It only takes a couple of minutes to do,
    and you can take care of anyone else in the household while making only one
    call, you'll just need to know their social security number.
    Once the message starts you will want option #2 (#1 sounds like the right
    one but it's not) and then option #3 (#1 is only for 2 years). Make sure
    you wait until they prompt for the third option which opts you out
    You should receive their paperwork in the mail confirming your 'opt out'
    within less than one week of making the call.
  • larc

    I never give my social security number to anyone over the phone, no matter what they offer or how good the deal seems to be. It is a very bad idea to do so.

  • amac

    It amazes me how often social security numbers are required and willfully provided. I find myself giving out my SSN despite not receiving an explanation of why they need it ("That's how we keep track of your account.") Because it has become a standard way of identifying people, I'm at a loss at what to do. Am I being over paranoid in supplying my SSN to companies for verification, even though they don't really need it?

  • closer2fine

    Yep, it's an Urban Legend:

  • plmkrzy

    I would DEFFINATELY ignore that.

  • Francois

    I would DEFINITELY do it too!

  • larc

    amac, I don't think you are being paranoid enough. I would NEVER give out my social security number to verify an account. Even my cred card companies don't ask for it when I make an inquiry. They ask for a preset password, such as my mother's maiden. If I were you, I would tell people that you don't give out that information. That is what I do.

  • amac

    Thanks, I think I will convert to doing that. Can you think of any instances where companies could legitimately need it, say for credit checks?



  • larc

    Amac, what kind of company needs to do a credit check? If it is a well established company on you are on the property, then I would say it is OK? But, who needs it over the phone? Someone could claim to be a nonexistent company, steal your identity and really mess up your life. Believe me, it happens all the time. Edited to add: The only exceptions I make is when I contact my credit union or my retirement accounts. Even then, they ask for my account number, not my social security number. However, I would give it to them, since I have dealt with them for several years.

    Edited by - larc on 27 June 2002 20:11:2

  • abbagail

    My credit card companies ALWAYS ask for the LAST FOUR DIGITS of my SSN when I call them for whatever reason...

    However, I would NEVER give it out, the entire SSN, unless it was Uncle Sam or someone like that I was dealing with, and ONLY if I called them.

    I'm glad that explanation from was posted. Good info. Those "opt out" Privacy Notices that come with EVERYTHING these days are a pain-in-the-bazooka to read all the dang fine-print, but I always do read them and call the #800 and opt-OUT for them giving out my info. Those Opt-Out Privacy Notices come in the mail for things like my bank account, and other dept. store credit cards, gas cards, Sprint, etc. etc. In other words, they come from accounts I ALREADY HAVE.


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