New Primates Discovered

by VioletAnai 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • plmkrzy
    So it's drifting in a sense that this ain't holding water


    OldHippie..I believe that but I expect the change will come in our lifetime. Remember when we didn't believe in dinosaurs? I do. Then I remember opening the first publication when I was still a kid and seeing dinosaurs on the inside cover. Then there was debate on how much time had passed between the extinction of the dinosaurs and the creation of man.

    I remember a speaker once giving a talk and used the dinosaurs to show an example of how Jehovah knew ahead of time that we would need the natural resources in the future that are supplied by the existence of the dinosaurs. Jehovah created dinosaurs so that people in the 20th century could have the necessary fuel to be able to travel around the world in relatively short periods of time.


  • TheOldHippie

    I haven't heard that one, plum, but I sent Schroeder of the GB a written question prior to his having a "questions and answers" meeting here some years ago, and I asked about the dinosaurs, and his reply was that they were so big, because when they died, their carcasses would mean a lot of food for the other animals ...........

  • CoolBreeze

    Hmmmmmm ... I wonder how they would taste roasted in garlic. Ooooops, that was my staomach talking. Too close to lunch time, and I skipped breakfast.


    Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

  • Windchaser

    CoolBreeze, are you male or female?

  • SpiderMonkey

    Windchaser, I enjoyed reading your story, & I'm sorry to hear about Panchito! I can remember a few times as a kid when a family pet was "brought to live at Grandpa's farm"... In retrospect, it's obvious that the animal must have died, or been put to sleep or brought to the pound for some reason... Golly, thanks for trusting me with the real story, folks

    Violet, I don't think they're ugly at all. The only primates I consider really ugly are ones like the baboons with those huge, colorful displays on their arses!

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