Hillary's Step
Easy does it sonny, not so much of the 'little weasel'. I am 5' 11".
That was not in reference to your stature, but rather an unseemly aspect of your character.
1) I do know what you 'write to the Brothers'.
How do you know that? Why this interest in my activities? Why pay so much attention to one whom apostates have insisted is insane?
2) I now challenge you to publicly state that you have informed the WTS that they are 'corrupt liars' as you have described them in many posts, and that they have attracted God's disfavor, as you also descibe in many of your posts.
You are asking me to put online my private coorespondence with the brothers at Booklyn just to prove a point. That ain't gonna happen.
If you do not rise to this challenge you have publicly proved yourself a liar.
Nonsense. You can make up whatever fiction you want about me, that doesn't prove anything, other than your own perverse obsession with trying to prove YK a liar.
Robert you are full of bluster and bile and if you had half the courage that many posters on this Board have you would have been disfellowshipped many months ago.
I think some brothers would like to disfellowship me, there's no question about that. But it's important for me not to be as I need the freeness of speech, going forward especially. I lean heavily upon Jehovah and can relate to when David was on the run from his own people and from his own king. Hanging out with the Philistines and all that has some bit of relevance for me these days.
I told you once before that I know people who know of your 'writings' to Brooklyn. You are, you may be surprised to know, not taken seriously by them.
I have reason to believe otherwise. For one thing, I spread my writings around to lots of different brothers. Bethel is just like any place else, there are the hardline Taliban types and there are those who are very broad minded. The opinions of some do not necessarily reflect the opinions of all. Besides, most of my stuff is so far out there that I realize it's for a future time. I am just planting ideas at this point.
Yours are among scores of 'thesis' they receive from persons they view as 'new annointees', and not to be taken seriously. Your elders in your last congregation did not take you seriously either did they Robert?
No, they did take me seriously. That's why they got a little shook up. LOL
You now have no appointment whatsoever within your congregation and are viewed as a latter day spiritually demented small fry, rather similar to the way that I view you.
You are just guessing. You don't know my story. You merely presume to know. Like I said, you are presumptuous.
I once offered you a challenge Robert, and that was if you did not believe me when I stated that I know who you are and which congregation you attend, can I then publicly announce what I do know?
You must really be getting desperate. LOL / You Know
Edited by - You Know on 28 June 2002 18:6:59