Well, ouch! I homeschool my kids. They love it and we have a blast. They are both 2 grades above the norm. They love to read and do so w/o having to be coaxed. Instead of some boring History or Science class, they becoma enthralled with the experiments and dive into re-anacting historical events. I have one on one time with them to do math which eliminates confusion. They are active in 'wordly' sports, take music lessons and art classes. They have plenty of social interaction. They get to learn about what they are interested in. For instance if my daughter shows interest in oceanography then....we fill her up and she gets more interesred and she learns more simply because she is interested herself! I don't push boring useless lessons down her throat. Heck, when we are grocercy shopping, in between my kids jumping the colored floor blocks.....they help me calculate what is the best purchase. This teaches comparison shopping , weights, measures, basic math skills....and so on. They are involved in a 23 kid Co-op for homeschooled kids who meet weekly and the parents engage them in what ever direction they seem interested in. This is key to succesful teaching. They love Co-op. The fathers are involved and some dad's teach science, gym, etc. Mom's may chip in and teach them how to sew and cook, etc. They go on tons of field trips and the kids get involved in sevice for the elderly and needy and other sick children.I am so tired of hearing people inform me that homeschooled kids are socially lacking. It is an ignorant sterotype and totally untrue. I have been doing this for 7years and I have seen plenty of parents who choose to stay home and be involved in their kid's education. These kids aer not being left out of anything, they are fulfilled, happy and thriving like weeds. Learning how to cope in the real world is not only done by sitting in a classroom all day. It can be done by being out in the real world and interacting with many different ages of people. Please don't judge homeschoolers from the narrow viewpoint of of your experiences w/ JW homeschoolers. They are not the same!