This is maximumflash. I am cassilines husband. I know cassiline has alot of friends that monitor this board so I thought I would post a surgery status on cassiline to let everyone who cares about her know how everything is going.
First of all, I would like to say thank you to the owner of this board, friends and aquintances of cassinline, for all the help you have provided not olny for her but for others that are out there with problems who seek the assistance from people that have a similar state of understanding about the JW religion. I don't understand religion at all simply because I have never been exposed to religion of any kind. However, I do have great respect for religions of all kinds and understand that some people in the world have some spiritual needs. And my wife is one of those people and I love her very much. With all that being said, I say Thank you to all of you for being there to talk, read, listen, understand, and comfort others.
Second, cassilines surgery. The surgery did not go as smoothly as planned. The doctors found something on cassilines left ovary, of which they were unsure what it was. Therefore the ovary was removed. However, the right ovary is OK and remains intact. Futhermore, during the procedure, cassiline received an injury to her bladder. The medical staff was able to repair the injury and she will have an extended recovery because of it.
Cassiline appears to be doing fine right now and will have a long recovery period, about 6-7 weeks.
Cassiline also wanted to say "Hi" to all her friends on this board and around the world.
Thanks once again,
Maximumflash here again. Cassiline asked me to tell everyone who tried to call her in the hospital that she is sorry if there was communication problems. I think a few people called when she was in some pain and.... well I suppose it was just bad timing. Additionally, she is not sure what might have been said to all of you on the phone due to the medications that she is taking which I'm sure all of you can imagine are pretty strong. (Brain not functioning at full potential.)
Thanks again,
Edited by - cassiline on 28 June 2002 19:15:57
UPDATE 30 Jun -
Maximumflash here again. Just wanted to let everyone know that I have been printing all the responses to this thread and bringing it to cassiline. She says thank to all of you for your care and concern.
Bad news and Good news. Bad news first, cassiline will not be coming home today. The good news is that her recovery in the hospital is progressing very well and she may come home tomarrow hopefully. She will probably be online once she returns home to catch up for the last few days and to thank all of you personally.
Thank again, Maximumflash
Edited by - cassiline on 30 June 2002 13:9:3
Edited by - cassiline on 30 June 2002 13:16:52
Edited by - cassiline on 30 June 2002 13:19:30