Four you say? Either that was some imaginative positioning, or someone has lied to you!! Muaha!
Save the pledge
by Tammie 17 Replies latest jw friends
If we lose PLEDGE, there will always be the brand known as ENDUST!
Nobody will take away my right to beautify my furniture!!!!!
but naeb this is America. everyone has at least 4 fathers
Not me. I'm a test tube baby. I was born the old fashioned way.
To both sides on this issue, why not find something really important to argue over?
Exactly.. WHy don't they get a life?
Of course, you don't see anybody yelling and screaming about the other four words that should be removed....
"And to the REPUBLIC....."
Of course, most of these dumbasses think we live in a "Democracy" says "Republic" right in the same damn pledge they've been saying for years.....
If we lose PLEDGE, there will always be the brand known as ENDUST!
Nobody will take away my right to beautify my furniture!!!!!
LOL, that was the best statement yet on this whole debacle which is really much ado about nothing.
If atheists want to battle they need to pick and choose their battlefields much more carefully. "God and Country" is NOT the place to start especially in the post 9/11 climate. Ironically the atheist who started this probably did more to advance the causes of religious fundamentalists than they themselves ever could! He did himself and many others no favor!!
They sang Fat Bottom Girls, right?