by Trotafox 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Patriot

    Ok...this is my area of expertise!

    I dont care what anyone tells you, the Doberman is the "Elite" most highly intelligent working dog you can own. It is the most recognized dog in the world and the most easily trained.

    I know most of you with other breeds like the Jack russel will beg to differ, but remember that I am referring to a Working animal. Not a pleasure dog.

    I am currently a K9 officer in NYC and have now now recieved a Belgium Malanois (looks like a shepard..BUT ITS NOT!!!). We refer to them as Mali-gators....can you imagine why?

    This is the most highly used dog in law enforcement-next to the shepard. The Shepard usually suffers from hip displaysia which is why most departments are using the Malinios.

    If you want a no joke, always alert dog that will take serious action in the event of any unwanted intruders, the Malinois is my first choice, then the Doberman.

    The only reason the Dobies arent being used like they were before is because of the myths that have been spewed foward about them particularly since the late 70's. As you know everything that changes in the police agencies are usually connected to political influences. Since people started complaining, the politicians decided to do something about it, like always without doing their homework and trying to get votes.

    Also remember that it doesnt matter the rep a particular breed has...not every dog can work!

    I have seen Dobies which are pitiful excuses for a doberman, just as I have seen Labradors which can kick some serious ass!

    If you are interested in a good dog for personal protection, then go to the enclosed website. I have purchased my last two dogs from this company (for my private security business). Now remember that a trained animal will not come cheap. For basic and advanced obediance you'll be looking in the neighborhood fo 3 to 5 thou. For an AOC or attack on command about 5 to 6. For defensive mode only, which means the dog will aggres only when provoked, about 4500.

    These are just general figures with good reputation companies. DO NOT GO TO JOE SHMOE and get you animal trained.

    Also know that you will not be able to buy a trained puppy. The earliest age that you will be able to buy a trained animal, depending for what you want him for, is at a about 9 months to a year. But dont worry about all the stories about how they wont listen to you because they are too old or that the have bad habits--its not true!

    The dog will work up a repore with you and believe me, when time goes by and you both "click", you will have something that most people dont, and that is a Dog that will listen to all your commands with out question. Believe me its the greatest to be able to give out commands in hand singles and have the dog obey!!!

    All takes time and commitement. Remember the golden rule when it comes to dog training and handling: YOU MUST BE FIRM, FAIR AND CONSISTANT.

    Even a trained animal will not work for you if you dont put the time and effort into working him. I know people that spent good money on aan attack/ protection dog and since they dont put the time in with them, they have become ordinary house pets. Just keep that in mind and you'll be able to enjoy whatever you decide on....Goodluck!


  • Bendrr

    Trot, don't rule out firearms. I take it you love animals as much as I do. Can you look into those soulful eyes of a family dog and ask him to lay his life down to protect you?

    Get a gun and learn to use it. That's your dog. It barks here and bites over there.


  • Patriot

    P.S.Not to offend anyone, but dont listen to any of the "standards" for size and height and all that b.s.
    We are talking about a working dog!!! Not some showdog.

    Those are all standards if you plan to show your dog in competitions. I could not give a flying F--- about any standards from some book.

    My dobie is 135lb, with 32 inch shoulders and is the biggest pussycat around. If you make the wrong move though, it will be the last thing you know.

    My Malinois has a full black mask which is unacceptable in the "book". But is that my reason for owning him?

    He is an explosives/ patrol dog-and thats all that matters.

    With you if what you want is a home guardian, then thats all that matters. Forget about that he has too much hair, he's too big, he farts alot, he looks evil...who cares, the important thing is that HE WORKS!


  • Trotafox

    Thanks everyone so very much for all the advice. MY GAWD I'M SO CONFUSED.....Isn't there a happy medium between a 10" yipping wonder and a 25" go-for-the-juggler killer animal? I'm not in any hurry so I have plenty of time for more reseach, maybe even take in a few dog shows or visit a local breeder.

    JWrobot and Plumkrzy: We've had quite a few cases of dog attacks here in South Fla recently with Rottweilers and Pit Bulls. They scare the crud out of me.

    Bendrr: I really, really do not want a gun, Bendrr. I'd probably wind up shooting myself.

    I have seen Dobies which are pitiful excuses for a doberman, just as I have seen Labradors which can kick some serious ass!

    Maverick/Patriot: 135 lbs? OMG What are you feeding this dog? That's a BIG dog. It doesn't bother me that some Dobies aren't up to their uh-m-m-m shall we say fearless reputation. Hell, I don't want to kill anybody, I just want a dog with an intimidating enough appearance to make someone think twice about trying to harm me. I think any dog would get mighty upset if someone attacked their owner but a rapist isn't going to be concerned about a 6-lb barking toy wonder. What I want is something that is intimidating enough that would make them think twice about trying anything. I can't believe that anyone in their right mind would try anything with any kind of a Doberman standing six feet from them off leash. That's the reputation I'm looking for. Regular obedience training I can handle; attack training and $4,500 I can't handle. I'm perfectly happy with SIT, STAY, and COME and a house pet personality. I think any Dobie would show his teeth when necessary or have you had other experiences with some?

    Its Just: Thanks for the research. The Dobie is a little shorter and obviously not as much hair. I don't particularly want a long haired dog, especially a LARGE long-haired dog. Large is bad enough in this tiny house.

    Termite: Agreed. Good advice.

    OUTLAW: What kind of a 90-lb dog? Your cat...yep I know about cats. They could care less about their owners..... just don't mess with them.

    FARKEL: A parrot. I know, I know. A 90-lb killer parrot.

    Sigh....a skunk. Maybe a skunk will work.

    Trot (who's thoroughly perplexed )

    Edited by - Trotafox on 30 June 2002 0:37:58

  • Patriot


    Dobermans dont always come small. Mine is a purebreed with champion in his bloodline, but he's just a big boy! What do I feed him? Anything he wants!! No just kidding, my three boys eat once a day a bowl of Iams dry dog food-thats it!

    I see what you're saying about just having the intimidation factor in the household. Believe me I know, when I go out with my Dobie-people cross the street to the other side---its awsome!! And he knows hes a bad boy so he's become very arrogant (only natural as long as your still the alpha).

    Dobies will protect you household, no questions asked. Just remember that when your talking about having a dog off-leash six feet away from the "cable guy" or someone, the dog might percieve a threat when this person goes about their ordinary business.

    As happened to me 2 days ago: I was standing post with my K9 and some lady had a sweater in her hand and used it to wave at us when she went by. My dog wanted to rip her arm off--but its a good reaction...because I had him on leash! She caught an attitude but remember the dog sees a possible threat, he has no appreciation for waving at me with a sweater!

    Smae with you. You dont want to find yourself in a whole legal issue because the dog was off leash. In many states your supposed to keep them on leash when strangers are over for safety.

    Thats wheree the training comes in: If he knows that attacking is just another form of a command and he's been rained to shut down properly, then you can have that bad boy roaming the house with people over.

    Just to screw around, when I have company, I'll give my the dog the "on-guard" command and leave him in front of my guests while I go to the other room. He'll just watch for someone to be stupid. Which of course doesnt happen.

    But anyway, weigh the pro's and con's fo having a trained animal and what exactly you need them for. I pretty sure you'll make a good decision!!


  • ChiChiMama

    I have a 3lb ferocious Chihuahua that is afraid of NOTHING!He is on watch 24/7.He warns me every time someone or something comes around.If he should ever decide to attack I won't have to worry about loss of life, large law suits or angry neighbors. He gives me plenty of time to call 911 or get to a gun if need be.He sheds very little,eats very little and makes very little messes.He is compact and ready to go anywhere anytime.He is a loving loyal companion too.

    I love the large breeds too but I don't live where I can have one.

    The best dog I ever owned was a large half chow and lab mix.So smart,loving and very protective.

    Edited by - ChichiMama on 30 June 2002 19:14:21

  • Trotafox

    Chi: 3 lbs? That's a riot! I like Chihuahua's. I believe 3 lbs. qualifies for teacup size. Correct? Point well taken about loss of life, law suits, etc. Maverick is scarin the hell outta me.

    Patriot/Maverick: You have got to be on a control trip of some kind. You're bad. The Dobie would probably be at a house that I would be showing for sale or having remodeled. Are you saying that as long as a stranger is in the house with me that I should have the Dobie on leash at all times? In the house? OR spend $5,000 for a K9 trained dog. Good God! Pah-l-e-e-e-e-z-e...aren't there some Dobies that are gentle enough so you don't have to worry about killing someone or winding up in jail? If there isn't and the breed is that aggressive, I'm not interested!

    Plmkrzy: Can you get your brother to E-mail me please.

    Trot (on a diet)

    Edited by - Trotafox on 30 June 2002 23:13:3

  • ChiChiMama


    Yes, he is a teacup. I almost named him "Cujo" but decided on "Nacho" instead. I just bought two of the tinest handmade doggy sweaters for him to wear this fall and winter. They are adorable!

  • Trotafox

    Chi: I love those teacups. There's a couple in Palm Beach I think that raise them. They have several different breeds. There was an article in the newspaper a few ago with pictures. They were so-o-o-o-o cute. They had teacup Yorkies also. So cute.

    Trot (getting )'s 1:30 a.m.

  • plmkrzy


    sure not a problem.I just came on line a short time ago so I didnt see youe message. I must say it caught me off guard. Then I rememberd Oh yah from my reply to you earlier. LOL

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 1 July 2002 2:3:5

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