Local news article lists jw beliefs

by DB 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • DB

    An article appearing in a local newspaper featured the building of a local Kingdom Hall. Next to the article, a seperate column liste some beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses, after stating briefly who they are and how they originated.

    The article then listed their beliefs as follows:

    Only Jehovah's Witnesses can be saved

    Just 144,000 go to heaven to rule with Christ

    A paradise on Earth is available for good witnesses

    There's no hell. The unsaved are just annihilated.

    The end of the world began in 1914

    They DON'T:

    Observe hoildays, except Christ's death

    Serve in the military

    Salute the flag

    Celebrate birthdays

    Take blood transfusions

    Baptize infants; only those with enough knowledge to be worthy are baptized


    Get Drunk

    Have priests, rituals or crosses

    They DO:

    Call their places of worship Kingdom Halls

    Meet regularly to study the bible

    Require members to do 10 hours of house-to-house evangelizing each month

    Pay taxes

    .......The 10 hours is not a typo, that's what the article said.

    I wonder if such a list can only hurt, not help, the Witnesses in this case. Not many people would appreciate reading that "Only Jehovah's Witnesses can be saved", or that they must get 10 hours in service per month (though this is somewhat mistaken, since 10 hours is the US national average that they push for, while 1 hour is the actual requirement).

    Do you agree/disagree that most people reading this article would find at least some of these beliefs to be unappealing?

  • ignored_one
    Meet regularly to study the bible

    Well, that one's debatable. More like meet regularly to study the watchtower's publications only using the bible to "prove" a pre-conceived idea.

    Ignored One.

  • DevonMcBride


    Right, right, right to everything you wrote. I am not a JW, never was a JW and until 2 yrs ago, never knew any.

    Speaking as a "worldly" person if I were to read that article I would think that these door knocking holy rollers are NUTS!!



    Am I correct in assuming that Kingdom Halls have no windows. If not, why not?


  • Had Enough
    Had Enough


    You are correct about the windows....except some halls do have a window in the Library or spare room.

    I understand the reason for NOT having windows, in the main hall especially, (ours were drywalled over) was supposed to be for security messures.....but I always thought it was so that we couldn't get distracted by the glorious outdoors, away from those "all-important" talks being given....you know...the ones you keep hearing over and over and over and over and over!!!...sorry...again.

    Had Enough (of feeling like being in prison)

    Edited by - Had Enough on 30 June 2002 23:8:33

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Thank you for that info DB.

    Is there anyway you can tell us what paper that was in? Maybe we can pull it up on the computer. I would love to show it to my JW Mother in law ! And Inactive JW hubby!

    They would surely deny a few of them!

    A funny thought.When My Hubby and I were JW's we had never been to a bar or nightclub before.(And we were 35)We had a local Brother and his wife take us to a nightclub and get us totally drunk for the first time! Good associations..sure they were!

    ps..Hey Devon..JW's don't roll on the floor...Those are Pentecosts!(Keep up the good work!)

    Golden girl ...aka..Snoozy !

  • BeautifulGarbage

    They don't:

    Get Drunk

    Oh really??

    Many of the witnesses I know do.

  • razorMind

    I read a newspaper article on the same subject that came out this past Saturday.....

    Is it against any law to mention the name of the paper, at least to verify if I read the same one? This is a sincere question because I truly don't know.

  • DB

    Thanks for the replies,

    Golden, I will check if your e-mail is listed as open and contact you with that info.

    Razor, I am not sure, but because the names of certain jws appeared in the accompanying article, I figured it would be best not to post the article iteslf.

  • Mary

    Here's a few more beliefs that the newspaper article missed:

    Sisters: become like The Stepford Wives

    Brothers:get dead-end jobs and be satisfied;

    Don't have any children "this close to The End", but we'll disfellowship you if you get yourself fixed;

    Don't go to university cause it makes you think for yourself;

    A two-door car is the first step towards "independent thinking";

    No celebrating Mother's or Father's Day, as all honour must go to Jehovah (even though one of the 10 Commandments is: honour your father and your mother);

    Pretend that we never told anyone The End was coming in '75 if questioned out in service.......

    Don't let your kids participate in any after school activities like basketball, volleyball, track and field, because they could spend this time studying the bible, like we know all teenagers do right after school;

    Brothers, don't grow a beard or you can have no position of authority in the congregation;

    Never acuse an elder of child molestation unless you want to be viewed as an apostate;

    Ignore all prophecies that have failed to happen as predicted by the Governing Body.....

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