FT has been unreasonable on other posts. Condemning others and utilizing very judgemental terms of those that do not agree with him. When someone casts aspersions on others they will get called on it especially in this forum.
Schoolyard bully mentality
by FusionTheism 141 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
A bully is a bully. Doesn't matter where they are.
Why would anyone want to interact with a bully?Fusion, why interact with a bully? If your facts are indisputable and your conclusions are correct. Why not?
Just think of David and Goliath.
azor FT has been unreasonable on other posts. Condemning others and utilizing very judgemental terms of those that do not agree with him. When someone casts aspersions on others they will get called on it especially in this forum.
I didnt realize that azor. its probably a thread I am skipping.
Not because of FTs rudeness but because of rudeness nonetheless
I don't like getting involved in bickering here, but I agree with Millie. This place is best when it is a place of comfort for people who have been through hell or are very confused and hurting...ok, and also when making fun of or discussing the religion we know so well.
Havent we been attacked enough, all of us? Why when someone offers the way they feel about a certain belief are they lambasted, belittled, called names. We had no freedom of speech in our past. Well we haven't gotten too far away from that have we. honestly I've often not expressed how I feel here because of the judgmentalism. It's unfortunately a familiar feeling, I grew up with it.
Jonathan Drake
Maybe you are referring to other things he has posted elsewhere but his opening post here was entirely reasonable.
I disagree because it's just not reasonable to suggest not listening to opposing positions. Even if those positions are presented in a direct hostile way (which what he's referring to, so far as I've read, has not been), it does not delegitimize the opposing claim.
What is being suggested by the OP is deliberately taking measures to shield oneself from the possibility of being wrong. This isn't much different from the governing body telling witnesses to stay off of apostate websites and not go to college. It's for the same reason, to avoid facing a slap by reality and having the illusion fall away. It's an unhealthy lifestyle that has resulted in terrible things in our world.
I honestly understand not wanting to walk through the door of reason and choosing to remain coddled by dogma. I've been that person. But educating myself on the damage being that person has done to our species and being brave enough to walk through that door has changed my view of life from an apathetic waiting game of Jesus to a passionate desire to actively make the world a better place. This is what happens when you set aside dogma and faith.
ill qualify that by adding it may be unhealthy to remove faith for some. Such as older ones who have wasted their entire lives. But I do not think this is such a scenario.
Faye did I say anything that could be construed as an attack? -
Even if those positions are presented in a direct hostile way ..... it does not delegitimize the opposing claim.Maybe it shouldnt if you were dealing with machinery made of steel but we are dealing with humans with hearts who are coming out of a bad storm (religiously speaking)
Have you heard the saying
At the end of the day people won't remember what you said or did,they will remember how you made them feel.
Let me just go ahead and address the elephant in the room....the A word (atheism) or would it be the T word (theism)?
I say that because this seems to be where we all feel the most angst,
If the these people are to be reached it is NOT going to be by the methods some here use.
So if the goal of a poster (theist or atheist) is to try to reach people, to help them progress in knowledge, then they may want to consider that.
If that is not their goal - then the methods speak to it being something else entirely that is at work.
I like the cut o' yer jib, millie210
I don't remember being "unreasonable" or "judgmental" on other threads?