JW Dad talks to me,talks to me not

by mommy1 31 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mommy1

    My Jw Dad calls me every once in awhile and is very friendly. I have even went to his house for dinner,went shopping with him and his wife. Then months go by and I call he is cold and distant.So I figure he doesn't want a relationship. So time moves on and he calls again all friendly on my answering machine. I am dreading calling him back and getting along ,then only to be dumped again.

    I have four small children, his Grandchildren to think about too. My oldest is asking questions about why Grandpa doesn't ever come around since he only lives 10 miles away.

  • Perfection Seeker
    Perfection Seeker

    Get used to it! My mother is the same way. On Saturday- she will call- all nicey nicey- mention the speaker for the next day- Sunday she is a bitch, Monday she is a bitch, by Tuesday, she is forgetting a little why she was mad (me not going to meeting) Wednesday it is "HI HONEY" Thursday Friday Saturday fine- then starts the bitch cycle. (Sorry for swear words- only way to describe it) I jsut deal with it. I know we get along Wed-Sat- and not Sun- Tues. If I were you- I would take the "good days" and enjoy them. Or, you could say- forget it- I don't need the once a year nicey nicey. I am glad I don't have kids to be used as pawns from my mom. GOOD LUCK!

  • Tinkerbell4125

    That's so true Perfection Seeker! It can be tough when a parent is a j.w. and you're not! Also, I don't have any children, but I can see in the cases of my neices and newhews how them being a j.w. or not, effected their relationship with my j.w. mother. My mother loved her grandchildren, but she seemed to be more fond of the j.w. grandchildren! I could see how that hurt my brothers and sisters too....many times.

    I think a lot of it has to do with each individually situation. To be honest, I think any relationship with a j.w. is toxic and it's up to the individual to determine what is healthy and what is unhealthy. I don't see my j.w. siblin's much. My parent's are deceased. I have non j.w.'s siblins that I associate with though. I also feel that my relationship with my j.w. mother was different than my relationships with my j.w. siblins. For some reason, I tolerated my mother's j.w. ways, but I don't have the same draw to my j.w. siblins. I love them, miss them at times, but for me it's so one-sided. AND as the day's turn to months and months turn to years, I am realizing that we don't even know each other anymore.

    There isn't a situation where my j.w siblins and I can get together, hang out and let our guard down. * I D.A.ed in 99 * So now I'm beginning to think , why bother, ya know, it's not really going to go anywhere!!!

    We have a uncle that is in poor health. I am asking myself, rather I'll attend his funeral when he passes. Isn't a funeral, a place, where you get love and support? I got that j.w. kind of love at my mother's funeral. I beginning to think, that's the kind of luv I can do without!!!

    Ain't noth'in like that hovah kind of love!!!

    Hang in there my friend, only you can decide what to do, but I hope our expierences will help ya in some way!

    Tink =:o)

  • mommy1

    Get used to it! Sounds like Jehovah will take care of it too.

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Mommy1, you must be a hovah lover!!!!! yuck pue, yuck pue!

  • mommy1

    And here I thought this was a friendly place, No I have been disfellowshipped for almost twenty years and I was only 17 when I was disfellowshipped, I am tired of the rest of my non witness family members telling me to just get used to it.

  • Perfection Seeker
    Perfection Seeker

    Mommy- I am SOOO sorry I said get used to it. All I meant was those who are "IN" are very flighty- want to see you one minute, then the next you are not "worthy" I said GET USED TO IT out of gest. Its been over 7 years that my family has done that to me- and I am NOT used to it yet- so sorry I said it- was in a bad way. Here is where you need support- sorry if it sounded negative. Best wishes! MElissa

  • mommy1

    Perfection Seeker,

    I wasn't angry at your post. I think Tinkerbell4125 was a little rude. But thanks, Best wishes to you also.

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Mommy1 I was wrong, and yes, I was rude. I'm sorry. I misread your post and went back and saw that I had read it wrong. Again, I'm very very sorry. *tucking my tail between my legs and walking away*

    I'm sorry! K?

    Tink =:o(

  • mommy1

    That's ok Tinkerbell4125 The emotions just get a little crazy when it comes to my kids and all. My Dad used to say "Jehovah will take care of it" for every problem I had. Isn't amazing how much hurt this cult can do?


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