Me too. Upper westside. I work in mid-town (east side). I used to have a lovely view of the WTC...
For those who bash America
by puppylove 51 Replies latest jw friends
I think that we all fall into the "National Stereotype" trap on occasions.
This site has, for me anyway, proved that most people here are kind and helpful, whatever their nationality. I don't buy into the sterotype stuff that is so beloved by the media, anyone who has travelled extensively knows that people only mirror the way they are perceived. That's why I have chosen to avoid that other pointless thread.
I'm just off to starch my stiff upper lip...
dennis miller is a douchebag.
We all know that America has the friendly bombs.
Go tell that all those poor little "JAP" children, when their world ended with the dropping of those 2 "friendly" American Atomic bombs.
Tell that to the American JAPS whose homes were taken away from them in WWII.
Tell that to all the blacks who have been lynched and who used to be regarded as 5/8's of a man. How demoralizing.
Bashing America? "America" demonstrates that the rights of others are walked all over by the power structure that is still primarily a "superior" white european no shit on us attitude.
And God bless America? Why should God bless America? Why not Rwanda? Shouldn't God bless humanity?
Look at the number of crimes and murders in the USA sure don't tell me God is blessing America. God appears to be blessing Canada and Briton more than the USA where the number of gun related deaths are drastically lower.
Bobby Fischer
This site has, for me anyway, proved that most people here are kind and helpful, whatever their nationality. I don't buy into the sterotype stuff that is so beloved by the media, anyone who has travelled extensively knows that people only mirror the way they are perceived. That's why I have chosen to avoid that other pointless thread.
Well said 'ole chap...
why must you keep using 'Socialist' like some derogatory word? Here is a definition of socialism:
1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
As you see, it is not an expletive.
To me it is a derogatory word. There have been quite a few Socialist governments around the world. I think they all have proven to be rotten governments. Just like Communism, Socialist governments are not what the true definition of the word would indicate.
Socialists tend to also be "liberal" The word liberal is good, and the practice of being liberal is good, but, the "liberals" who are also mostly Socialists are not good, they choose to be liberal with everyone elses money, property etc. not liberal with their own money. etc. (like robinhood they choose to take from some and give to others, as they choose. Maybe a better name for liberals would be Hoods)
This country was built by individualists. Strong people who could earn their own way and only wanted "government" to stay out of their way.
That's how I see it.
High Puppylove,
I assume that you are a resident of the USA, otherwise you wouldn't be upset about others "bashing America". I haven't read the postings that irritated you, so please keep that in mind. If they were truly vile, then I can understand your stance. Yet, I do want to put forth my opinion of the USA versus Canada. I am a citizen of the USA by birth, not by choice. While the USA has a strong economy, IMO it lags far behind Canada in basic social issues. I've visited Canada when I lived in the Detroit, Michigan area up to 1980 [Windsor, Ontario] and have vacationed four times within the past four years [Montreal, Quebec]. Of course, my observations are based on being a visitor, not a resident of Canada. So, it is possible that my views would be somewhat different if I lived there.
However, several things have been consistent from my visits to Windsor in the 60's and 70's and to Montreal in the 90's and 00's. First, the country is very clean. The Canadians take pride in their cities. There isn't the rampant filth that you see in major cities in the USA. Second, the people are invariably more polite that the average person you meet in the USA. Third, they are more progressive on providing health care for their residents. Fourth, they are much more accepting of gays than even the most progressive of USA cities, San Francisco. Fifth, I don't see the serious issues of crime [not that it doesn't exist, just that it doesn't seem to be to the same degree as the USA's cities]. Sixth, I don't see anywhere near the homeless problem there [but, again, San Francisco admitedly has a big problem that may not be shared with as greatly by other USA cities].
Also, I find it rather arrogant that the USA historically refers to itself as "America" as if it has sole claim to the name. The USA is part of North America, but so is Canada and Mexico. Like the USA, Canada restricts immigration. If it were a bit easier for me to get into my desired local [Montreal or possibly either of the bi-coastal cities of Vancouver or Halifax], I'd move there in an instant.
The only thing that the USA surpasses Canada in, again in my opinion, is the strength of its economy. But, even this seems to be seriously weakening. And, life is not only about money. I'd rather be a bit poorer money wise and richer humanity wise.
If you wish to take this as bashing, so be it. But, I believe bashing is when one strikes out verbally or physically at something/someone else merely because of its/their existence. My comments are based on my observations and not simply "an attack on America".
One of the worst insults that can be given a Canadian is that "Canada is just like the United States". I can see why they would be offended based on what I've outlined above. Don't get me wrong, I do love San Francisco and California [but don't have nearly as much respect for most areas of the USA other than the New England States]. I do appreciate the many good things that come along with living in the USA. But, I view it somewhat similarly to my experience of having been a JW. At our first "A Common Bond" conference in Washington, D.C., one of the topics was whether or not we got anything good from our exposure to the JWs. While there were some who viewed everything as having been of no value, many of us knew that we did get some good things as well. I summed it up with this statement: "I gained many good things from my being a JW, but for me it came at far too high a cost." In other words, I could have gotten the same good things from other sources and not have experienced the heavy-handed control of the JW hierarchical/theological straight-jacket. So it is with my view of the USA. I could also get many of the good things that I have in the USA from Canada and quite possibly other countries as well and not have to put up with the filth, high crime rates, rudeness, gay-bashing, lack of healthcare for others, and rampant homelessness.
John W Wirtanen
The bad thing about the governments of which you speak is not Socialism, but rather nationalistic or other ideology. Ideology can also be expressed in Capitalistic nations such as ours. The attitude of 'our way is right, despite whatever the data says' could be the downfall of the US just as it was in the Soviet Union.
I do not think our government is without flaws, but I guess I agree with the old saying "Our government is the worst possible on the earth, except for all of the others.