by MarchOn 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bona Dea
    Bona Dea

    The nicest thing that anyone has done for me:: Well, when I was pregnant with my first child (unexpected, unwed) my best friend and her family (her mom and 2 sis's) helped me by providing me with some groceries, some shelter, and transportation to work. They were heaven sent. I don't know if I could've made it through that trying time without their help. They even bought me some maternity clothes when I began to outgrow my regular ones.

    Another thing...Just yesterday, I had like two or three items and a cashier opened another register and motioned for me to come to her. But before I could get to her, this couple with this huge cart full of groceries pulled up in her lane. She kindly told them that she was going to check me out first since I didn't have very many items. I thought that was nice of her (but incredibly rude of them...but we are talking about nice things that people have done so, I will shut up about them for now).

    The nicest thing that I've ever done for someone:: I had an experience similar to yours. I paid for some groceries once with one of my payroll checks (I was working 2 jobs). The clerk had somehow managed to give me back 100.00 too much. I struggled with the temptation to just keep it. I could've really used that money...but I had worked in retail before, and I knew what being short that large of an amount would've meant for that clerk. So, I returned it. Within the hour, I went to Walmart and cashed my other payroll check. The lady there (I kid you not) gave me back 20.00 too much. I was beginning think that maybe I should just take the money since everyone was trying to give it to me . But I couldn't do it. I took that money back too. **Sigh** I never got a card or nothin' .....LOL

    Another thing...just a week ago, I passed a woman who's car had stalled on the side of the road. She had a teenage girl and little boy with her. I felt sorry for her. No one was stopping to help. So, I stopped. Another woman with a young child (I also had my 2 kids with me, they're 4 and 6) stopped to help as well. While we (me, this other woman, and the teenage passenger of the stalled car) were pushing this car out of the road, the other woman made the comment, "gee, I wonder how many MEN just drove on by?." ...LOL. One does wonder.

    edited because I didn't wanted my whole last two paragraphs bold

    Edited by - Bona Dea on 2 July 2002 16:16:27

  • Francois

    Um, would that be clothed or unclothed?

  • ISP

    Well, one of the nicest things....was last Christmas. It was our first Christmas.....ever. There are many things to recall from a personal standpoint. One in particular was when we called on my grandmother, who we had not seen for years. We gave her presents and a card. My daughter sang a Christmas carol. There were hugs all round and not a dry eye in the house.


  • HomebutHiding

    Francois, I detect a definite "mood" in you today! HbH

  • Solace

    Im pretty lucky to work for an agency that helps people every day. My kids make me feel good by telling me they "luv me more than anything in the whole world!"

  • MarchOn

    You guys are awesome, I feel better just reading your stories. And about my story, it was the way the manager and the the teller reacted to me giving the money back that made me glad to be alive and made my heart swell with happiness that I could restore some kind of faith in other people into their hearts. I actually cried when I opened my mail to find a thank you card, I never expected that so it was one of the nicest things anyone has done for me.

    One of the other nicest things is when my husband tells me I'm beautiful first thing in the morning when I KNOW I look crap. I'll go look in the mirror and giggle at my "bed head" and then realize how fortunate I am to have someone think thats beautiful.

    Edited by - MarchOn on 2 July 2002 18:3:51

  • Bendrr

    Had a few good moments at work before.

    My favorite happened just a few months ago. I had recently done a lot of brake work on this lady's car. Within a day or two she was back with this mysterious noise. The kind of noise tech's dread: an intermittent noise. It doesn't happen all the time or even on a regular basis. The noise in question was a thump from the rear sometimes when taking off, turning, and stopping. So I test-drove it and fortunately I heard the noise or what I thought was the noise. Returned to the shop and did some investigating. Then I went into the waiting room and sat down to talk about it with her. Verified what I had heard and the approximate position of the sound. Then I handed her the golf ball that had been rolling around in her trunk. The look on her face was priceless.


  • Princess

    A couple of weeks ago my husband was riding his bike on a popular trail in Seattle. I called him on his cell and he didn't realize his truck keys fell out when he answered the phone. He was about 20 miles from his truck at the time. A jogger found the keys and passed them to another biker who was going in the same direction as my husband. Well, Steve was running late and riding FAST back to his truck. The poor lady who was chasing him finally got his attention by screaming "Yellow shirt, yellow shirt!!" and he stopped and got his keys. I thought that was such a nice thing to do! She got a good workout that day and I didn't have to load up the kids and drive for thirty minutes in rush hour traffic to get him into his truck. I wish he could have gotten her address or phone number so I could send her something.

    I got a phone call from a friend several weeks ago. She was really sick with the flu and wanted me to take her son to preschool that afternoon. I could just hear in her voice that she was really ill and needed more help than that. I drove over and picked up her son and ten month old baby and kept them until her husband could pick them up after work. I know she would do the same for me if I needed it. .


  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Lovely stories!

    I was really ill last month (on-going problem-long boring story)and was in so much pain I had to give up and go to bed ;my son and daughters took it in turns to bring me drinks etc ;I was frequently passing out with pain but my son was always there when I 'woke' and was apparently going in and out of the room turning everything in the house off that made a noise,and would'nt let anyone turn on the playstation radio or tv all day and evening.

    I woke up to find my daughter had told my husband to sleep on the sofa (he did) and slept beside me all night,in case I 'needed' her!! Ahhhhhh!!!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    A few years ago I was sick at home with a really bad case of bronchitis. My girl friend's husband rang my doorbell and when I open the door - feeling like real crap and looking close to death the sweetheart was standing there holding out a bag of juice and Tylenol and some food.

    This couple who were so generous of spirit and support wqere the ones who helped me on my search of freedom of the WTS. They asked a few discrete questions and I did the research. They listened and supported me. They stood on each side of me and helped me walk into a church and let me cry my sorrow onto their shoulder's

    They taught me what being a true Christian is all about. And they never preached to me - not one word

    They helped to heal my soul

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