wwhy is wholewheat toast allowed on this board?

by dustrabbit 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • JanH


    'Not' calling a woman a 'bitch' or a 'whore' has nothing to do with being a Jehovah's witness. It has to do with respect, and I feel very strongly that your post did not warrant you being called a 'bitch', nor did Violet Anai deserve to be called a 'whore'! Where are the 'real' men on this board???

    It may be hard to overcome the ideals of chivalry, but you should realize that the women on this board does not need men in shining armour to save them.

    Generally, if some poor moron badmouths women, the Real Men TM here just find a seat and bring popcorn to watch him fry.

    - Jan

    Edited by - JanH on 3 July 2002 7:25:10

  • wholewheat


    LOL! I'm beginning to see that! It would appear that some of the men on this board, including myself, are intimitdated by some of the women here!

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