This case was talked about while I was on the my way to Peterborough today.
I managed to get on the air (CFRB) and explain about what happened in the case and that JWs do not have freedom of choice - ie.take blood transfusions and you will be disassociated/shunned etc.
I also managed to stated that Witnesses accept 100 percent of blood but not just certain types of blood therapy such as red blood. I talked about them recently accepting hemoglobin and that HLC members go into the hopspital and manipulater the situation so the patience does not recieve the banned blood component.
I also brought up the fact the mother attempted to remove the transfusion line out of the daughter during treatments and were brutally shunning the father.
It was short and I wish I could say more and made the note that it is all about "informed choice" - something the Witnesses do not practice.
Afterwards some Witnesses (who were telling the hosts that they were not Witnesses) phoned in and explained that JWs do not "shun" and were nice people. The hostess, Carol Motts said even she knows of severe shunning cases.
Of course the show's focus was more on the minor/adult issue but at least they let me have my say.
As for the Hughes family - it just sucks that B. Hughes is dying. She had a 40 % chance and now she is down to 10%.
I wish I could take her place.
p.s. - if I remember, CFRB 1010 am on the dial in the Greater Toronto area has 10s off thousands of listeners so I hope I might have "tweaked" somebody about what this case and this doctrine is all about.
Edited by - hawkaw on 3 July 2002 14:13:21
Edited by - hawkaw on 3 July 2002 14:17:2