Here's a little pic, I finally figured out how to hook the scanner up to my new computer. Hope the little girl isn't as slow as grandpa.
My Grandaughter and her Mom
by LB 14 Replies latest jw friends
Golden Girl
Got a few of those myself...(Grandchildren)
She looks like she is not sure about that water thing!
Does she have red hair? She sure is a little cutie!
Thanks for the picture!
Golden Girl aka Snoozy
She has some hair and we're grateful for that. I keep telling mom to stop cutting it. She'll have brown hair eventually as both parents do and both started out with very light colored hair. That was her first time in big water. My son is going to take her to water babies soon. Even though mom no longer has any interest in my son she is being wonderful by including my son and us in Maddies life. We love them both a lot.
Awww-what a cutie, LB!
Our little book project just got more interesting! lol.
seriously, your grandbaby looks like a sweety. (well actually a bit grumpy in that particular picture, but hey, all fat cute babies look a little like Winston Churchill)
I can only imagine how great it would be to have a baby, but be able to give it back to it's mother when it cries too much, lol.
If I followed your other thread correctly, you have another grandbaby being raised as a witness that is not allowed much time with you? Sorry 'bout that, I'm sure it makes this kiddo all the more precious to you. I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes obvious which child is more well adjusted over time; the one with two mommies and a grandpa , or the one with a mommy and a daddy and a big angry skypappa bearing down on all of them.
If in fact the above is not your situation, and my mind has lost the plot, please excuse my ramblings. It makes for nice discussion fodder anyway.
LB, your granddaughter looks alot like my daughter did at that age! She still has her red hair and she is 13 months now and still pretty bald!
She sure is cute LB!
Sally, my daughter's hair was about an inch and a half at age two! She just turned four and has red curls long enough to pull into a pony tail (which actually looks like a bun because it is so curly). Bald babies are great.
Thanks for the kind comments. Yep she has chunky cheeks. Here is a photo from a couple of months ago with me holding maddie and one of my wife holding our grandon from our JW son. It's the last time we got to see him. I called my son last night and pulled a little guilt trip on him that only parents can pull off on their kids. Of course I told him "I love you" with every sentence. Like, "You know I love you son and we really wish you'd make an effort to bring Kaleb over more often", That sort of thing.
Here is another pic of my grandaughter and her mom. Sorry, it's a grandpa thing...
Absolutely adorable. Thanks SO MUCH for sharing.
There's nothing like a proud Grampa!
The kids are adorable!
Thanks for sharing them with us, LB