Does religion have to be boring?

by kenpodragon 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • gsx1138

    Laughter seems to be a core requirement for pagans. But I know what you're saying. I did learn a very valuable tool at the KH though. I can now sleep sitting up with my eyes open The reasoning for the dry presentation is that (this is what I was told) they don't want to be compared to other churches. The message given warrants serious attention and they don't want people to come to the KH just to "feel good" they want them to come to learn. Blah, blah, blah that is the part that I zoned out on.


  • larc

    The JW talks and studies have always been very staid (perhaps Coondawg's experience is an exception). However, they have gotten worse over time. Back in the 50's and 60's, speakers were encouraged to be enthusiastic, use interesting illustrations, increase their volume to make a point, etc. Last summer I went to a convention and listened to few talks. I was struck by the robot like quality of the presentations. The speakers were articulate, organized, and easy to follow, but they all had a sameness and a lack of intensity that I found to be quite different from talks given years ago. I seems to me that the organization has managed to wring out any presence of individuality in the speakers.

  • finnrot

    If you want a lively service, go to an A.M.E. church in your town (African Methodist Episcopal). I attended with my wife and kids, and I can tell you that the services are fun and fast paced. The best part is the music, the first time I attended with my wife, I sat there groovin' to the music and thought to myself that they should have a cover charge at the door. It turns out that they eventually do get their cover charge, but it's worth it.

  • kenpodragon


    Pagan? Who said I was not Pagan? :) I am not a Christian, I am into earth based philosophy! Although I tend to study a lot of eastern thought, being a martial artist black belt does that to you. I see all religion as okay, if it works for you. Just as long as people don't try to shove it down the throats of others.

    Take Care


    Edited by - kenpodragon on 3 July 2002 13:36:58

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