A few weeks ago my former mother-in-law (Gwenny James) died. Bowel cancer, so I suppose it was painful. And my former wife (Anita), has apparently taken it rather hard.
When I heard the news, I couldn't help remembering the days when we were new jws. Gwen and Farleigh got the "truth" a couple of years before I did. Independently of each other, they had both read a publication and arrived at the same conclusion - " they had found the truth".
A bright road and HOPE opened up to all of us -- serving Jehovah and never dying. Living through the imminent end of this system and then life forever in the new system of things.
Along with hundreds of thousands of new witnesses, we were excited by the opportunities to do good to our fellow man, and to serve god at the same time. We were excited at the speed with which the good news spread, excited at the experiences of men and women, young and old, hearing and accepting the good news. As country after country experienced expansion we were thrilled to have a tiny part in this "grand" work and the hope that Jehovah had given us..
Gwen and Farleigh, certainly determined to live up to their dedication vow, and experience the blessings Jehovah was going to pour out on "faithful ones". They did indeed give up much and accepted "little" materially, in return. As Hebrews 11:38, 39 says of the ancient prophets.. "the world was not worthy of them. They wandered about in deserts and mountains and caves of the earth. And yet all these. Did not get the fulfillment of the promise.." They did sell their home, served where the need was greater in New Caledonia, pioneered in australia, were on the circuit for many years
........ and fully expected to live through the great day of Armageddon and never die off the earth.
This is not a hymn of praise -- I knew them too well, for that. But it is a story of fading hopes that many others may relate to.
I am sure that Gwenny would disagree with me, but I can't help thinking how sad it is. Brothers who stated with confidence that Armageddon would be here in 5 years (as said to me in 1954 -- my father laughed at me when I told him, and had the last laugh) are themselves dead. Their bright hopes of never dying off the earth vanquished. As 1975, came and went, and the bright hopes of Freddy's promises faded away, and all things continued as from the beginning, more died -- hoping, hoping for a resurrection, and that their sacrifices had not been in vain. And now, nearly 30 years after 1975, time for young ones to grow up and have their own young children, they still wait with hope, a hope that has faded somewhat from those hope filled days of the early 50's.
But as the expectation of spiritual hopes fade, one text must grow brighter in the hearts and minds of many -- The words of Proverbs 13: 12 .. "Expectation postponed is making the heart sick."
Our way was Not supposed to end in death, but in life forever. But hope and excitement has died, and been replaced by a plodding determination that jw's must still be right. And paranoid bodies of elders all over the earth will quickly end your spiritual path, if you murmer of your disappointment in the fading hope.