Gems From The Stony Hearts

by hillary_step 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step

    Just thought that you would enjoy a gem from the heart of Brooklyn taken from the book Isaiahs Prophecy - Light For All Mankind, pp 335,6 #12, under the heading The Senseless One.

    "Of course, confirmed atheists say that there is no Jehovah. In effect, so do "intellectuals" and others who act as if there were no God, believing that they are accountable to no one. The truth is not In such ones. There is no generosity in their hearts. There is no gospel of love. In contrast with genuine Christians, they are slow to provide for needy ones or fail to do so entirely".

    Did I hear somebody say that Joey Rutherford was dead? It seems to me that the Ghost Of Troubled Joe is still staggering insanely in the corridors of

    Kind regards - HS

  • gsx1138

    Of the atheists that I know (very few) all of them are a much better example of being "christ like" than most christians I know. I wonder what this preoccupation with the belief that religion dictates morality?


  • RunningMan

    Well, I object to the statement that I have no truth (TM), accountability, generosity, or love. If anything, my observation is that these qualities are virtually absent among Witnesses.

    And, if atheists are slow to provide for needy ones, what about JW's? They are notorious for not contributing to charity.

    I also like the quotation marks around "intellectuals". They appear to be trying to turn the word into an insult.

  • ashitaka

    Oops, they got me!! I don't believe in God...and I am

    generous, loving, kind,

    so much more than some so-called chrisitans because I have a good motive for helping people....the actual desire to, not just being compelled by a fear of getting killed by God.

    Awful witnesses.


  • Flowerpetal

    I have a dear friend who is an atheist. She is one of the kindest individuals I know. I also have met atheists in various message boards. I found the majority of them very kind, and caring for their fellow man, and do display more chirstlike qualities than anyone professing to be christian.

  • You Know
    You Know

    I gotta agree with you Hillary. I admit feeling deeply disappointed and a wave nausea swept through me when we read that in the book study the other day. One of the things I have come to appreciate is that, you know the 61 times that it says in Ezekiel: "And they will have to know that I am Jehovah"? In most cases we are the "they" who will have to know. So, the first order of business in Jehovah's oncoming judgment is humbling his own so that we come to KNOW Jehovah in a way we never have before. It will not necessarily be pleasant, but surely it is needed. / You Know

  • larc

    You Know, I know you are still a loyalist, and that is OK by me. I also think that you have become more aware of the need for reform, either that or you have been more willing to express that need in recent posts. For some of us who have left, that is all we want as well. Personnaly, I am not interested in the demise of the WT. If it went through an internal reformation and became a place of spiritual sustenance for its members, I would be the first to applaud this organizational renewal. Peace be with you, You Know.

  • Farkel

    : "Of course, confirmed atheists say that there is no Jehovah. In effect, so do "intellectuals" and others who act as if there were no God, believing that they are accountable to no one.

    Strawman. They've changed the argument from "atheists aren't accountable to God" to "Atheists aren't accountable to anyone."

    In fact, prisons have a far lower per capita population of atheists compared with "true believers."

    When one takes "God" out of the equation, being kind to fellow humans becomes a choice, not an obligation forced out of fear or enticed by an eternal reward.


  • metatron

    It is sad to witness so many people using their belief in God apparently as a reason not to be loving or kind. It's perverse.

    When I was a Witness kid, a kind "unbelieving" husband of a sister
    took interest in me - taught to fix cars and repair electronics
    while even my Witness relatives were too busy. He was an atheist.

    I went to Bethel and became an elder anyway, thru the years,
    always believing that someday, things would be different and
    congregations would be really charitable and kind.

    If they really were, boards like this - and bitterness - would fade away.

    It's really sad, I wish things had turned out differently.


  • hillary_step


    So, the first order of business in Jehovah's oncoming judgment is humbling his own so that we come to KNOW Jehovah in a way we never have before.

    Thank you for your comment.

    I can well understand how a person would reach such conclusions if they were trying to find a way to understand the increasing problems that are developing within the WTS. I see that within that tight framework, no other sensible conclusion could be reached.

    My problem is Robert, that I cannot see why the WTS should be treated any differently in analysis from any other religion that claims to worship the Christian God. Per ratio, it seems to have as much hypocrisy, as much deceit and more politics than most within its walls. Jesus seemed confident to give only one mark of identification as to who were being used by God, and it would be persons who displayed 'agape' amongst themselves. Many decent people exist in many churches who show this type of love, despite differences in doctrine, I am sure that you would not deny that.

    What is it that convinces you that this is the religion that God has chosen to use? Why are Jehovah's Witnesses God's chosen people? I long ago ceased believing that any evidence exists within scripture that could actually prove this, apart of course from a group of self-convinced men who run a massive theological corporation telling us so.

    I am asking this sincerely - HS

    Edited by - hillary_step on 3 July 2002 13:16:46

    Edited by - hillary_step on 3 July 2002 13:16:59

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