Last sunday study article: you are saved by helping Christ's anointed brothers

by paradisebeauty 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • paradisebeauty

    In the last article of march watchtower - study edition they make some affirmations that are totally in contradiction with what the gospel says:

    paragraph 7:

    And what of the reason why people will be judged as either sheep or goats? The outcome hinges on how they have treated the remaining ones of Christ’s spirit-anointed brothers on earth.

    So people are not saved by grace, they are not saved because of Jesus Christ's sacrifice! they are saved because of their deeds. More exactly the good deeds they do for the anointed ones.

    What??? This teaching sounds so Pharisaic and anti christian! Not even Paul or the other disciples said something like this. How can they say this?

    And how come most jw's see nothing wrong with these kind of statements?

  • fulano
    So would to do? Their shopping? Pay their Bills? Advice please or a readers question.
  • B4Right

    That is odd isn't it!

    What level of help will JESUS judge people of how they help the anointed?

    now to be saved you HAVE to be a JW - how else will one know to help Christ brothers- there is no way JW is going to be knocking on doors with the message" if you don't assist Christ brothers you are not worthy to be a sheep and be saved"!

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