I'm With TR!

by LDH 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    I have really enjoyed getting to know so many of you. But I'm done!

    Don't consider this a permanent goodbye, as I'll most likely stop back every now and again to see how you are faring. And to keep you updated with me and the family deal.

    The reality is, this board was GREAT for me while I was pregnant, I was so sick. I could vent. And now, baby is growing so fast, 8 months, that I really don't feel like spending my online fun time in a forum where my fellow countrymen get bashed just because they are American Citizens.

    I prefer spending my time on family.

    I'm grateful that I've received advice, and hopeful that I've given some that's helped.

    Love you all. Be nice to Fred.


  • Fredhall


    Thanks! I love you too. And so does Jehovah.

  • dubla

    lisa! jeez, whats this board coming to? pretty soon simon will be on here saying his last goodbye because of the "america bashing"......thanks alot mark and janh, youve scared off some of the long time locals. well lisa, have fun, youll no doubt be missed on here.


  • peaceloveharmony

    lisa, i'll miss your posts hun but i understand your reasons for pulling back from the board. enjoy your family and the real world.

    i guess this means i'll have to send ya email more than never eh? lol. is your number the same?

    love ya a ton girl, you are awesome, like the sister i wish my real sister could be.


    love harmony

  • Dutchie

    Lisa, I can't believe you're serious! Oh My God, you were the first person I took notice of when I first started posting here. Why, I believe that you even called me a troll (thanks a lot!). You can't go. I personally forbid it.

    Anyway, you won't be able to stay away for long. You'll be back! Love, Dutchie

  • Joyzabel

    WOW, eegads,

    I'm off line for 2 weeks and have no idea what is going around here!

    Kiss the baby for me, Lisa. You were very kind to me when I first started posting here, thank you. I understand how family takes president over anything else.

    (I'll try to remember to change the kitty litter for Fred )



  • Pathofthorns

    I've enjoyed your posts lisa and your threads have been a blast

    I can't say I'm exactly "pro-American" but I don't think any of us here who could be labelled "anti" dislike anyone just because they are American. I hope that the rough waters here of late are just a small part of the reason you leave and that you are just moving on to bigger and better things.

    I have a feeling you will find this place difficult to avoid just as I think you will have a hard time biting your tongue and not replying to that which interests you . Please check in often. Good luck.


  • Angharad

    I'm really sorry to hear that Lisa We will miss you.

    I missed TR's thread we will miss him too.

    Please dont think that everyone has the same opinion of Americans as a few of the people posting those things.

    Edited by - angharad on 3 July 2002 15:22:59

  • Amazing

    What!?!?!?! I hate to see you go!!! ... Anyway, I do understand. But I promise I have not said nasty things about Americans. ... anyway, I hope you'll visit as often as you can. Thanks again for being there.

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Sure, Lisa...

    Becoma a 'Supreme One' and then leave.



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