I thought I was the only adult watching American Idol! Well, I developed a crush on Justin from the very first round, and I agree that he is guaranteed a recording contract after this thing is over. I'd like to see E Jay win. His voice is phenomenal, however I don't think he's an 'American Idol' per se. He just doesn't look the part. Is it me or does that Christina girl sing like a billy goat? She's cute, but I don't know about her singing. I love the show, especially Simon's cranky behind.
American Idol, Who's watching?
by TheStar 22 Replies latest social entertainment
Hello, my name is Hmmm, and I'm an American Idolater.
It started innocently enough... flipping through the channels with nothing to do. I saw this show where people were competing for a chance to be America's next big pop sensation. But these people were horrible! I had a few laughes, but mostly cringed as teens who undoubtedly sound terrific in their own shower wailed and warbled their way into my nervous system. A stuffy British (isn't that redundant) fellow lambasted the would-be wonders with "awful", "dreadful", and "absolutely the worst thing I've ever heard."
But then something happened. Some of these people were good. I started rooting for them, and picking my favorites.
Before long, I was checking out the web site and cruising discussion boards for news and gossip on these hopefuls of hubris. I started missing sleep, and ducking out of work to organize letter-writing campaigns on behalf of deserving contestants. Most recently, my dog left me. He said I wasn't paying him enough attention.
I'm addicted to American Idol. I need help! I can't get this monkey off my back!
Edited by - hmmm on 12 July 2002 10:43:6
You know I wasn't really mad, just trying to get you back here. Big Brother? Haven't heard of that show, sounds interesting, when is it on? What channel?
Edited to include: Brian, I taped the show if you want me to send you the Video, You HAVE to see RJ's come back!
No you are not alone!
Is it me or does that Christina girl sing like a billy goat?
LMAO! Yes she does!!!!
Before long, I was checking out the web site and cruising discussion boards for news and gossip on these hopefuls of hubris. I started missing sleep, and ducking out of work to organize letter-writing campaigns on behalf of deserving contestants. Most recently, my dog left me. He said I wasn't paying him enough attention.
I'm addicted to American Idol. I need help! I can't get this monkey off my back!
LOL! Are you mocking me??? or are you seriously watching?
Edited by - TheStar on 12 July 2002 11:57:4
Yes, I'm watching the show.
Simon cracks me up, but I think he's trying too hard to be part of the story when he cruelly puts down these young kids.
Mister Biggs
I watched it for the first time this past Wednesday.
I enjoyed it and will watch it again.
Star, where have you been?! I've been waiting for your weekly American Idol updates?
I think Christina Christian got robbed. She should have made it to at least the final four, ahead of RJ and Nikki.
By now I think it's clear that at least Justin, Tamyra, and Kelly, will all get record/entertainment deals out of the show.
My money is on Tamyra to win it all, though she was not spectacular this week. Kelly has a powerful voice, and deserves to win, but Tamyra adds a stage presence that will make her a huge star.
Why do I feel like MikeMusto should be posting this?
Surprise - Tamyra got booted. America has the collective memory of one episode! Yes, she did poorly last Tuesday night, and Nikki did surprisingly well. However, I am totally shocked that Nikki gets to stay and Tamyra had to go home! :(
I don't like Justin...he's too full of himself...plus he's related to samuel L Jackson, so I don't think it's fair:P
I think Nikki made it becuase she had a better look, that's pretty much it.
I try to catch the show when I can. I think the fact that Tamyra got booted is an important lesson. Do people who come out number one always deserve it? I doubt it. It also show how fickle the public is...anyone who stars in a show, writes a book, etc, knows that you're only as good as your last output. Unfortunately that's the way it is.
I think Kelly and Tamyra have amazing voices. But I think Nikki is so gorgeous, so individual in style, she just glows! I have never cared for Justin. I don't know why...
I'd like to see more honesty from the winners. "God, I'm glad I was chosen!"
I also don't think Simon (one of 3 hosts of the show) is as bad as he is painted. I've been on tons of auditions and he's nice in comparison. Paula kinda bugs me. She's nice and all that but I think she does more acting as Paula then she ever did in her videos!
Mister 8iggs
Well, now that Tamyra is off, I'm going with my just-as-favorite-as-Tamyra, Kelly!