Oh Flower, I feel so sad. Please don't go.
I know just what you mean about "jw-ish" thoughts that you through your mind when something is upsetting you. I get them too and that's why I need to come back here day after day. Please don't let the trolls or anyone else chase you away. Don't let them win, Flower.
Have you ever thought that there are some people we should just feel sorry for? People who are petty and jealous and need to start trouble to make themselves feel viable and important? Can't you just ignore them? I know I do. I know that we have never spoken but know that I have always admired you and if you stay maybe we can get to be good friends. Gosh, I don't know what else to say in this public forum, but if you email me, I will give you an earful.
Please reconsider. Love, Dutchie