Yea, Me too....

by flower 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dutchie

    Oh Flower, I feel so sad. Please don't go.

    I know just what you mean about "jw-ish" thoughts that you through your mind when something is upsetting you. I get them too and that's why I need to come back here day after day. Please don't let the trolls or anyone else chase you away. Don't let them win, Flower.

    Have you ever thought that there are some people we should just feel sorry for? People who are petty and jealous and need to start trouble to make themselves feel viable and important? Can't you just ignore them? I know I do. I know that we have never spoken but know that I have always admired you and if you stay maybe we can get to be good friends. Gosh, I don't know what else to say in this public forum, but if you email me, I will give you an earful.

    Please reconsider. Love, Dutchie

  • Dutchie

    Jirizo, you're a man after my own heart!

    Take heed of his words, Flower!

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    (((flower))), take care of yourself and your beautiful little son. i wish you the best!

  • Farkel


    : There is so much cruelty and psycho shit that goes on around here and when I think about it its always been this way.

    It's a cross-section of life here, dear. The only difference is we don't DF everyone who disagrees with us, and we don't wreck lives and families with enforced and insane religious dogma.

    Jesus said, "the scumbags will always be with you." (Ok, so I paraphrased it a tad.)

    But the scumbags are the vast minority. Just like on the daily television news, the scumbags get all the attention while the good folks go quietly about doing good things.


    Edited by - Farkel on 3 July 2002 18:38:55

  • Sentinel


    As usual, your post is "right on the mark".

    I too have noticed that not everyone on here is not on the same wave length. But, I continue to look for the good, and I find it.

    I ignore the other stuff.


  • new boy
    new boy


  • orangefatcat

    Flower I am sure you know how I feel about you, as I have expressed my feelings in many of my posts. For whatever reason you feel compelled to leave, I hope it is a short leave of absence.

    I concur with others, there are always some boobs that will say crap and be rude and crude, but they are just a few, in comparison to us others who do care about one another. Please consider that.

    So in the meantime take a little R&R and than come back, because, I for one refuse to say goodbye.

    Love ya


  • wholewheat


    After having a hope and friends in the truth, I can imagine that leaving the organization can leave one feeling empty. Why don't you discuss with the brothers some of your doubts? They can help you with any lingering doubts you might have. There is a bunch of information in the ex-JW community, and it hits 'big and hard'. It focuses on only the negative regarding Jehovah's witnesses and it is in itself a form of 'brainwashing'. You can take this information and come out of it a stronger witness, you have had your faith tested, or you can fall away completely and in time become an atheist or agnostic with no hope. But whatever you do, you should think it through and pray on it, don't make rash decisions. I wish you the best!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Flower - check your mail

  • myself

    (((((Flower))))) Please note by these posts that you are such a positive and well thought of person here. We need the good ones here. You bring such a balance to things. I dont make it to chat much but the times I have been there you are usually there and I have really enjoyed it. I hope you will reconsider and stay. There are so many of us here who are healing, it is nice to know that we are not alone. Unfortunately for some the pain of what they have endured has made some bitter, but anger is sometimes another stage in healing. I wish you the happiness and peace that you deserve.

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