Watchtower Study today Jan 4 2015 , Fallacious Reasoning (issue Nov 15 2014)

by BluesBrother 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Sour Grapes
    Sour Grapes
    All of the posts are so good!  The harder something is to believe the more non-proof is given.  I heard comments that "the study was so good today."  How can so many little bread crumbs of non-information excite JW's so much?  I think that they have to keep saying we have the Truth (or my god we have got to have the Truth) because if they don't they have just admitted to being hoodwinked into dedicating their life's to a book publishing company who knows how to make the big bucks selling fixed up buildings with free labor so they can sell them and get everyone excited about fixing up different buildings.  I wish that my mother never spent $0.10 on the Watchtower and Awake in the late 1960's.
  • SG098

    I thought about posting a review like this, so glad you did. Thanks!

    I wanted to expand on point #2 about eye witnesses. As Matt Dillahunty says,

    "Right now, you can go and talk to people who think they have seen aliens or even been abducted by them. I'm sure you'll find well over 500 people that claim this. So does this prove aliens exist?"

    This whole watchtower study was a coo call to the choir. Anybody with an once of thought could pick through these logical fallacies.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    I wish that my mother never spent $0.10 on the Watchtower and Awake...

    Ditto. My mom came in and was baptized in 1974. Remember, Armageddon was just a year away! :scream:

    BB- Thanks for the recap. I've been out nearly 4 years and nothing much has changed. Same old sh*t.

  • prologos

    They appealing to higher authority because over a Billion people believe in the Jesus resurrection, but why is this article so early, so

    far ahead of Easter Sunday? what's up? after all, it is

    the dying of the Messiah that was to be the big deal? 

    stopping the twirling swords?

  • Sour Grapes
    Sour Grapes

    The Earth is Flat !!!!!!!!  I have proof.  in 1490 Christopher Columbus's uncle said that over 10,000 people said that the earth is flat and they said that Christopher would fall off of the edge of the earth if he sailed to the west. That is well documented.  How can we dispute all of those witnesses?

    Sour Grapes 







  • scary21

      On point #3 ZEAL.... Heavens Gate must be true, they all killed themselves . That is proof right

    Thanks for the great post.  I love thinking !


  • Trailer Park Pioneer
    Trailer Park Pioneer

       Blue Brother, I agree their reasoning is bad on all the reasons they gave why Jesus was raised from the dead.   The fourth reason is irrelevant, its not evidence or provides any basis for belief other than telling their brain washed followers to believe because 1914 prove's Jesus is alive and well!  

      What forms of logic are they using, the magazines reflect their writers are of the lowest quality or are on such a tight leash they can't provide coherent reasons for belief!

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