Hi Radiolady; Sorry I did'nt see what you'd written until today;but you've had some great advice already!
I hope your daughter can find some motivation.I do'nt know how long ago she left, but do you think she could be a little depressed too?
It's dreadful for some to leave the org., even if they know it makes sense, it was for me; i'm glad i'm out; but feel pretty down sometimes as life goals have to change and you have to put yourself back in the world on different terms.
Perhaps she's found nothing to excite her yet.I'm about to learn Spanish (and Belly Dancing 1)and we're starting a new project renovating old farmhouses at weekends.
I've got to keep busy or I start to get a bit down at all the lost years etc- so I work,paint, go to classes and renovate madly!This weekend I will be ripping out plaster board pretending it's a certain elders head..................!!
Perhaps a few evening classes before the 'pressure' of work would fire up some enthusiasm for her and get her mood up a bit and give you some thing else to talk about other than her 'faults'?
That was meant very kindly-i'm not trying to imply she has many!!!
Just some ideas-feel free to ignore completely!!