Did God Condone the Slave Trade?

by Kenneson 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Thanks Dung, it just so happens I am going to the library this weekend so I will grab that book and will drop you an email with my thoughts. Thanks heaps.


  • dungbeetle

    If you don't find it at the library, try here...into, and part one and part two. It's a great read. I've been promising to do a review on it.


  • Kenneson

    It seems to me that some forms of slavery in Biblical times were not of one's choosing, where a person could just walk away if he didn't like it. One example is that of the Israelites in Egypt. Had they been satisfied with their lot, they would never have chosen freedom. Another example-- the Gentile slaves, who were mostly war captives, or purchased from regular slave-dealers. These could be freed at the will of the master, but there was no law requiring it. They might never be permitted to walk away.

    I think the best description for the type of "slavery" that existed among the Israelites should be called indentured servants. No Israelite could become permanently the slave of another Israelite, but must be freed when he had paid the debt for which he was sold; or in the seventh year of his service whether the debt was paid or not; and in the year of Jubilee, whatever the time he had served. There is no forcible permanence in this type of "slavery."

    Now after the Civil War there may have been a few blacks who chose to remain with their masters, but the numbers are not that appreciable. I would think that few people enjoy being owned by another.

  • Bang

    God tolerates rapists and murders. Hey, He even tolerates jws. He just very tolerative.


    Edited by - Bang on 4 July 2002 9:11:22

  • Amazing

    In early Christian times, there was cultural acceptance of the existence of slavery ... and Christians were admonished how to act and view slaves. Slavery was not consistent with Christianity, but working with it was acceptable as a compromise. In Jewish times, there was similar acceptance, though slavery had a different connotation ... you were not free in Israel unless you owned land, had crops and livestock. In the USA, originally you could not vote unless you owned land, and again, slavery was accepted ... but not without debate and angst.

    I am troubled that God allowed his name people to be enslaved in Egypt where such slavery was cruel and clearly worng. I am troubled by a lot of things God permitted ... and this is still a stumbling block for me. though I am still Christian and believe in God, I am searching for better understanding of these confusing issues.

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