Mr. Bowen
I was glad to see you and your efforts hear in minnesota!
Being that anyone can come forward with an accusation, how
much of a background check do you do when someone comes
to you for help in coming forward? I only ask this becuase when
I asked my wife if she saw/read this stoty she already knew about afew
days before it came out. My wife(jw) knows heidis best friend and former
roommate.There were some questions, this was typical i thought cause my
wife did this wiith dateline as well (shes a loyal jw, typical responses)But,
when xjws that i know that knew her and those involved also question her motives,
this was disturbing.I dont know her and in NO way saying she is not being
truthful, this is for the courts to dicide, which is a good thing! And this is the
biggest issue, getting the elders out of it and let the athoritys deal withit.
Just concerned about hitching your wagon to someone who might not be truthful,
this would do alot more damage than good.Again I'm not saying she isnt,
this is more of a general question being that with more pub the more people
will be coming forward, those for wright reasons and those with wrong reasons.
I would hesatate to call them heros to quickly. For jws all it takes is one
case of a person of not being truthful and they will dismiss all cases, closed
minded I Know, missing the point I know, this is what i deal with every day in my
family. Keep up the good work! You are doing a great job,and are a real hero to many!