Silentlambs- Is any pub, good pub?

by hannibal 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • hannibal

    Mr. Bowen

    I was glad to see you and your efforts hear in minnesota!

    Being that anyone can come forward with an accusation, how

    much of a background check do you do when someone comes

    to you for help in coming forward? I only ask this becuase when

    I asked my wife if she saw/read this stoty she already knew about afew

    days before it came out. My wife(jw) knows heidis best friend and former

    roommate.There were some questions, this was typical i thought cause my

    wife did this wiith dateline as well (shes a loyal jw, typical responses)But,

    when xjws that i know that knew her and those involved also question her motives,

    this was disturbing.I dont know her and in NO way saying she is not being

    truthful, this is for the courts to dicide, which is a good thing! And this is the

    biggest issue, getting the elders out of it and let the athoritys deal withit.

    Just concerned about hitching your wagon to someone who might not be truthful,

    this would do alot more damage than good.Again I'm not saying she isnt,

    this is more of a general question being that with more pub the more people

    will be coming forward, those for wright reasons and those with wrong reasons.

    I would hesatate to call them heros to quickly. For jws all it takes is one

    case of a person of not being truthful and they will dismiss all cases, closed

    minded I Know, missing the point I know, this is what i deal with every day in my

    family. Keep up the good work! You are doing a great job,and are a real hero to many!

  • meyer

    Hey buddy,

    What exactly am I being untruthful about? I am Heidi Meyer and would love to clear up any doubts you may have about the legitimacy of this complaint.

  • hannibal


    did you read my post, the whole post?

    A) I sayed I dont know you and in NO way saying you are not being


    B) This was a general question, not about your case or any other.

    C) I AM totally behind you and bill 100%

    D) I have had many arguements with my wife and other elders

    about this issue, I was not trying to come accross as if i was

    questioning YOU.

    E) Yes, I have heard things, as you know rumors fly, especially

    when someone comes forward. mANY I AM SURE ARE FALSE!

    When I stopped going this happened to me, how much worse

    it is for you coming forward publicily.

    F) Sorry this had to be your first post!

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    Han, you asked how much checking Bill does on things when Jeff Anderson and those who work for him would be the ones to ask. Bill isn't a detective. I'm sure that as an attorney J Anderson and his assistants do whatever foundation work is needed before bringing a case to court. I've seen your posts before and you seem to like to try to raise doubts while saying how supportive you are.

    Now as a bit of a spin off, in some congregations in particular elders often act as local detectives themselves but what they come up with is false and twisted, biased. They themselves are examined by other elders but those too are biased, and they all know they are being spied on by each other and how to avoid being caught. So their internal investigations are a worthless farce the Watchtower heads are stupid to be trusting in and commending.

    For example, the Watchtower Society in the Kingdom Ministry commended the help it was getting from "the angels." Now real angels who are spirit beings don't need the WTS's thanks, but the little spies in the pedophile-infested kingdom halls do lap it up and it motivates them to play the detective as local angels. How cultic can you get, Brooklyn.

    You go ahead and comment some more, Han. I'll be waiting. But I reccomend instead that you leave Heidi to enjoy her day today and those ahead. She has suffered enough.

    BTW, Heidi, Free Christians are glad to have forwarded your email on to Bill about a month or so ago. Thanks for coming forward. May many others do the same not only about the pedophile coverup stuff but the other things that are being done behind the mask!

    There are good elders out there, not just Bill Bowen although he has been powerfully effective. May they also do more and more to help get this nightmare straightened out, if not openly then quietly as in sending copies of local judicial committee material or written summaries of it right on to Bill, Jeff Anderson etc.

    Edited by - nancee park on 4 July 2002 12:39:46

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    Also to back up what I said about Han's previous posts he (possibly=they as in Watchtower) wrote the following to raise doubts and support the Watchtower's false claim that Dateline had misrepresented things:

    Two reaons given for not going on dateline.

    1) media can edit and air only part of a conversation,
    take quotes out of context and not giving full meaning
    what was said.

    2) bible says you must speak in agreement. Since
    those appearing on dateline were still 'brothers'
    and 'sisters' to the public eye, it would not be
    scripturely proper to speak against another 'brother'

    This would not be speaking in agreement."

    Han/WTS, we do not speak in agreement to pedophilia. If Dateline NBC actually said false things or twisted the truth then your attorneys would be suing them. Where's your lawsuit? You know it's the truth. Now, scripture says there is a time and place for everything, and an exception to the Two Witnesses rule you worship is the best candidate for proper changes I ever ever heard of. Did Jeremiah and Isaiah agree to every word Israel's annointed dictatorial kings said or didn't they speak out for reforms! That's what Jehovah really wants!!

    Go to the top and type in the SEARCH box "Greenlees" and look for Alan F's threads documenting a Gov Body member who was a pedophile. How many COs, DOs, Gov Body members may be like Greenlees. Quit defending the indefensible.

    Edited by - nancee park on 4 July 2002 12:56:16

  • hannibal


    I agree with you about the innerworkings of alot of congos.I have

    had situations happen in my own family in the past when I was a

    kid.Stepfather arrest for molesting my step sister, never dfed, etc...

    beleive me I know the mantality that exsists! As far as anderson

    the lawyer knowing if there is a case or not that is true., but , doesnt

    mean that question cant arise.Anyone can file a claim with the help

    of a lawyer,this doesnt mean it will go to court.Many claims are thrown

    out.As far as me speaking some sort of double speak, I am not.

    I am behind Bill all the way, along with any victim that comes forward.

    My only concern was that, as more and more cases come forward

    there will be some with bad intensions that will hurt the cause. I feel bad

    that I came accross as questioning heidi, I am not.

  • teejay


    You ask appropriate questions.

    Dissenters of any organization, movement or viewpoint are extremely valuable. They point to possible weaknesses that can and should be either corrected, strengthened or discarded all together. (I know Bill understands and fully agrees with this.)

    With this in mind, you said

    My wife(jw) knows heidis best friend and former roommate.There were some questions...
    I could be reading it wrong, but it seems to me that you have information that Heidi may not be who she purports to be. If that's true and he's about to be taken for a ride down a dead-end street, Bill's efforts could be seriously sidetracked.

    Heidi herself (?) has asked for you to elaborate so that she can put unfair/untruthful rumors to rest. Could you?

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    And what of your previous post also mentioned above that attacked Dateline NBC? Was that also just for the fun of raising questions?

    Since you say you know the WTS is corrupt and has done many wrong things on the local level, fine, then tell us about those some more.

    Han, maybe you are indeed not supportive of the WTS and if so that will be seen by your further postings showing it.

    Fire away here or in a thread of your own. Maybe in your own way you too actually are "a silentlamb." Feel free to become a "silentlambnomore." No one should have to suffer in silence or feel powerless.

  • hannibal


    Two reasons given for not going on dateline:

    This was in response if i remember right to someone who started a thread

    about someone who talked to his father who gave him some company line

    BS response to dateline, I Then posted what i was told why they didnt

    go on camera. This was not my view as the title indicates. Two reasons

    GIVEN for not going on dateline.

  • Gopher

    Ok everyone,

    Time to give Hannibal a break. I know him personally (and have also corresponded with Heidi Meyer as well).

    Hannibal raised a valid concern, that is, if someone brought forward an untrue molestation case, could it derail or sidetrack the silentlambs effort? I don't think he needs to spell out exactly what the concerns are here on a public board, and in fact that might be more harmful than anything.

    Perhaps the title of this thread "is any pub good pub" was a bit unfortunate. He only meant to raise the question. Hannibal's entire family is trying to re-activate him as a JW, and in dealing with such relatives, he has to be able to address both sides of an issue. So this "Heidi may be untrustworthy" thing was thrown in his face. Not that he believes it, but he just brought up a "what if"?

    I believe Heidi personally, and I believe she and Hannibal are on the same side of this very sensitive issue. And this IS a sensitive issue. I just want all of us to realize WHO are allies are here, and Hannibal is an ally on this issue.

    Best wishes to you Heidi, may you continue to have courage to tell the facts as this case goes forward. This is a sensitive issue, you will be subject to false rumors and to misunderstandings, but if you keep your "eye on the ball", a lot of good will be accomplished.


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