This gem is from the aug.1st wt. It tells about how in one South American country, every year witnesses walk for miles through the jungle and then travel for hours by canoe just to make the convention. It is not uncommon for someone to fall into the river or to snag his garments on a bush,therefore their appearance is not quite appropriate.They look somewhat disheveled. So, they take time to sew on buttons, repair zippers,and wash and iron their clothes so that then can be worn for the convention.They cherish their invitation to feed at Jehovah's table, and they want to dress appropriately.BTW....the question for this paragraph is" why can we say that Jehovah's standards are reasonable?"
by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends
If this was true, these have got to be the dumbest dubs around!
Why not bring a change of chlothes. Its obvious that their convention clothes are not their only clothes. Why don't they wear their grubby clothes on the way over there, then change when they get there??? Can you imagine people who live in this enviornment getting all dressed up to go trudging through the jungle then take a canoo trip for a few hours...LOL
So i take it thay you don't think Jehovah's standards are reasonable? I mean, isn't that the way to show appreciation for the fine spiritual buffet?
I appreciate a good buffet minimus. I truly love these stories about people who have to endure all manner of suffering to get to the conventions, they give you a healthy dose of guilt for the cushy life we have. These ones truly appreciate the spiritual provisions so much they have to wade through crocodile infested rivers, walk through fields full of land mines, dodge snipers bullets, climb over mountains, trudge through the snow for miles and miles and days and days...
And brothers and sisters, where do you live? A 20 minute bus ride to the convention location, and you think that's a bit much?!
In the western world we are all a bunch of sissies, you honestly don't know true joy unless you suffer for the truth.
this is great propaganda for the undeveloped countries that their main increase is coming from have to give the gov body credit for their ability to write articles that slyly acomplish their will.
If a man walks fifty miles barefoot through the jungle just to hear cult bullshit, it is still cult bullshit.
Do these South American JW's wear their convention badges correctly during this long journey through the jungle? If you don't wear your badge, you're missing a witnessing opportunity!! The most important thing is to LOOK theocratic!
It is not uncommon for someone to fall into the river or snag his garments on a bush
perhaps a better question for this paragraph would be:
"Should witnesses drink while canoeing to the convention?"
Wow matty...after that list i am feeling soooo guilty.Kinda reminds me of when I was a little kid. My mom would tell me i should eat my vegetables because of all the poor people who were starving. I always felt why not just give it to them? I guess if they really want to go thru croc infested rivers....better them than me!
I say show up nekkid! Now THAT would be a convention I would appreciate!