Why don’t we have a better story?

by iconoclastic 60 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • brandnew
    Um im thirsty......im gonna think up a cold beer.......let y'all know when it "pops " up.....; )
  • LisaRose
    There is no reason you can't be a faithful Christian AND an evolutionist.

    So true, although you can't believe in a literal interpretation othe bible if you accept evolution. I am not a believer, but it bothers me when people assume that because you are a Chrristian you can't believe in evolution (or accept homosexuality, etc) without violating the tenants of your faith. But there are many flavors of Christianity and not all of them fundamental. It's like they are telling you that you are doing it wrong, lol. Fortunately they don't actually get a vote on that.

  • Doltologist


    Um im thirsty......im gonna think up a cold beer.......let y'all know when it "pops " up.....; )

    What make of beer are we talking? - need details.

  • cofty
    Exactly how did we arrive at two separate genders—each with its own physiology? - Icon

    In a step by step process of evolution by natural selection.

    What is the fundamental difference between male and female? Once you get that the rest is obvious.

    I will give you a clue - it has nothing at all to do with genitals.

    This is not a rhetorical question by the way.

    By the way it isn't "two separate genders". It's two separate sexes. Gender is better reserved for the context of linguistics.

  • cofty

    P.S. - Fungi have 36 000 sexes.

    Apparently sex between sexes 22,451 and 31,957 is widely considered to be perverted and these sort of pairings have difficulty finding somebody to make a cake for their weddings.

  • cofty
    I'm getting a whiff of the BK yet again
  • LoveUniHateExams
    When they felt the need to copy themselves, genital organs arose - not so. The first life-forms reproduced asexually. Many millions of years later, sexual reproduction appeared, followed by anisogamy and male/female genitalia.
  • LoveUniHateExams

    Evolution is an upward climb - no, it's not.

    It's not a series of steps or a tree with Homo sapiens at the top. Evolution is a sprawling, over-grown hedge. It answers the question 'how did humans get here?' It shows the degree of relatedness between all species, e.g. the two species of chimpanzee are very closely related to each other. Chimps are quite closely related to both humans and gorillas, more so than chimps are to lemurs. Chimps are distantly related to non-mammalian taxa, and only very distantly related to plants and fungi.

  • brandnew
    Guiness stout
  • iconoclastic

    You all are explaining this with such an ease you would explain how giraffe got its long neck.

    But here it is reproduction, a core-issue—as important as creation—the very process that ensured the next generation. So question is not that easy!!!!!

    How can an organism (whether the simplest form or extremely complex form) come into existence—first without the copying ability, and pick up the copying ability later on its way?

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