Just heard the stupidest thing ever on this weeks service meeting: It was regarding the volunteers for cleaning the stadium before RC. They are not allowed to wear shorts or printed t-shirts .But hey its summer! Its gonna be warm! And the stadium is not even owned by WT. Where in the bible does it say its not allowed to wear shorts when cleaning? Plain stupidity in my opinion.
No shorts or printed T-shirts when making ready the stadium before the RC
by Powermetal4ever 26 Replies latest jw friends
Count your blessings.
I shudder to think of how most JWs I know would appear if dressed in shorts.
Im pretty sure you can wear t-shirts with a blue square with the letters JW in the middle.... -
Count your blessings.
I shudder to think of how most JWs I know would appear if dressed in shorts.
I agree. Besides,if Mormons can maintain a white-shirt-and-tie-dress decorum regardless of activity "in the name of the Lord" so too should JWs.
The climate has nothing to do with religious groups' stupidly distinctive dress codes. I have dizzy memories of old-school Catholic nuns drapped heavily in black garb in the hot summer glaring at my boyish torso getting fried in the scorching summer sun. Who suffered for days afterwards? Clue: Not the nuns!
Modern-day humankind have become wimps when it comes to imposed clothing "styles".
If you da JW cleanin' up that thar stadium before da RC, suffer in the name of your God! It will build up that all important sense of righteousness. The Pharisees of old were on to something that JWs value above all else: Presentation matters!
Bethel rules, eh? Better get some slacks and a polo! -
That's old news. They have been saying that for years in this country. I remember at one of the last RC I went to we were asked not remove all the labels of food, and not to drink Pepsi. (Ok it been a while. I can't quite remember if Pepsi was mentioned by name. But I distinctly remember buying a Pepsi and having to drink it out side.) By labels I mean subway kfc etc. -
The WTS. has been promoting and influencing its devoted members to look distinct from every day common (worldly) people. A predetermined self devised image around the organization if you will.
So from that comes the dress code for its members, from giving talks to visiting Bethel HQ and so forth.
Telling people they cant wear shorts cleaning stadiums is a bit over the top and maybe a bit cruel .
But we don't make rules!"
Let's review: It's a cult!
That rule is because they don't trust the r & f to know what would be considered "decent". Someone might show up with shorts that are too short or a logo that is offensive. ::gasp::
I visited Belize once and was told how the JWs there even cleaned their KH in dress clothes and took offense when JW tourists (coming off the cruise ships) would want to come in to the KH in non-dress clothes (even though there was no meeting going on).
I will say that the standard of dress is one thing that I am always impressed with. It's obviously mandated by the org, but, compared to standards of dress among "the world", they stand out. I know it's judgmental now but I was always proud to be dressed up. We would frequently get comments about how well dressed everyone is. I was proud to be "different". Now I see it was all vanity anyway.
Darn it. I was gonna wear tight pants and a Prince t-shirt.
Can I have one with, 'The Governing Body are God' printed on it thought?