Recently some Hassidic Jew who stands and rocks like a catatonic shizoprhenic at the wailing wall in Jerusalem noticed some water stains up near the top of the wall. Immeadiately he summised this to be some Holy sign of the messiah. But the Deputy Director of Public Works says that it most likely is a ruptured pipe or drain. Yet a group of Orthodox Jews still make claim that this water stain is a sign from God. They claim there are no pipes in this section of the wall. More likely to me, Fido couldn't find a fire hydrant and took a much needed pee. But then after making a study of todays Judaism I find that they are not the Israelites of old and do not give much credence to the Old Testament. Instead thier two Holy books are the Talmud and Kaballah. The Talmud is actually given a higher place of honor in Judaism today.The Kaballah is a book of spiritism and is held in high respect by Rabbis and not to be understood by the rabble or flock. The disdain that they have for Christ and Christianity is astounding. The Talmud in their own words is a better book to study than the Bible and a man who spends a life time understanding and writing about the Talmud is to be more respected than one who spends his life reading the Holy Scripture. Pleas note that the Holy Sxcripture is only the Old testament. Much of the contents of the Talmud and Kaballah come from writings during the Babylonian captivity. Remember than Jesus scorned these men scribes and Pharisees for they spent their days worrying about tradition and mans law not Gods. So too today, the ones who claim to be Jews are not the Jews or Israelites of old. They do not worship Yaweh, but instead worship a conglameration of Gods and customs that are man made and Satan based. Also when one says the word Semitic one does not only refer to a Jew. It refers to Arabs, Pheonecians and several other people indigenous to the are. One last statement. In their Talmud they make a statement: "Jesus is alive in hell and is being boiled in hot excrement" Then they wonder why the world does not love them.
The wailing wall of the Jews
by docpalo 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Can you be boiled in cold excrement?
For centuries, the vast majority of Christians viewed Jews as Christ-killers, fully deserving of mockery, pogroms and whatever other sort of persecution they could come up with. And viewed Muslims, and every sort of Pagan as being worthy of going to hell, not to mention slaughter and/or forced "conversions." Then they wonder why the rest of the world does not love them.
edited to add: I am not anti-Christian; I am anti-intolerance and anti-ignorance.
Edited by - spidermonkey on 6 July 2002 16:53:45
Can you be boiled in cold excrement?
Only at very high altitude. Like, say, in heaven.
Spider monkey, I was not in manner trying to excuse the Christian history. I am fully aware of the bloody hisotry that has been filled with hate, intolerance and hypocrisy. I was trying to point out that the Jews of today are not the chosen ones as they claim. It appears that you are knee jerking as many do when one tells the truth about the Chosen Ones. I do not know if you have read the unfiltered and unedited truth about the Jews but I have and I did not obtain this information from any Neo-Nazis, KKK, or radical hate groups. I simply did some searching off the beaten path and lo and behold found it. There is even an Orthodox Rabbi in Israel who is very much against the Zionist state and says it is not scriptural. I for one feel that both the Palestinians and Israelis are insane and fear that a world war will erupt from their hatred and stupidity. If this is ignorance then I am ignorant.
Actually, doc, there's no love lost between myself & *anyone* claiming to be Chosen Ones. And I couldn't agree with you more about the Palestinians and Israelis; I don't care which of them "wins," as long as they don't leave anyone else's soil glowing in the end.
If I misunderstood you, I apologize. I guess this was the statement that got my goat:
They do not worship Yaweh, but instead worship a conglameration of Gods and customs that are man made and Satan based.
As one whose spirituality is constantly being misinterpreted as "Satan based," I don't appreciate this kind of bashing of anyone. Do you really think that modern Jews *think* they're worshipping Satan, or *intentionally* base their worship on anything to do with him? Not that I agree with this "Satan based" accusation, or believe in Satan at all, but whatever *you* believe, at least look at their intent. That's what I meant by intolerant and ignorant. Again, I apologize for this remark; I guess we just disagree :::shrug:::
Edited by - spidermonkey on 7 July 2002 17:15:13
Spider Monkey: I do not have the time right now to prove my point since my supper is awaiting. But I can prove my point about the worship of the Jews. BUT! I am not saying all Jews are doing this. I am talking about the Orthodox and Hassidc Jew who places a large amount of their faith in the Kaballah which is a book of spells and incantations that deal with specifically the subject of Lucifer. I don't care what a person worships, be it a rock or ehtreal smoke. I was trying to point out that the Jewish faith has becoem bastardized over centuries by the very same scribes and pharisees thatJesus spoke of in the Scriptures. Think of it, it isjust like when we where JWs, we where mislead and lied to by the Society. So too are many modern day Jews. How many people do you know today that really look into their own faith and know the deep dark secrets and the total doctrine behind the curtain. I'm sure you'' agree that it is a pitiful few. The Talmud is all man inspired if you accept that the Scripture is Divinely inspired. But then that is another topic altogether. Peace, live long and prosper. I'm hungry. Talkto youlater.
They do not worship Yaweh, but instead worship a conglameration of Gods and customs that are man made and Satan based.
Do you even know how many different types of Jews there are? There about as many factions of Jewish faith as their are of Christianity. If the customs are only from the Talmud and Kaballah how come they still celebrate passover with a vengance and refuse to dine on pork...mmmm pork. The Jewish faith has been around for a long time. Of course they are going to have all sorts of different traditions. You can't base fanatical ravings of a select few to reflect an entire genre of relgion.
I agree that the jewish nation today is nothing but a pack of satan worshippiers and it makes me wanna puke anytime one these christian whores around here insists that they are still a chosen nation and entitled to the ancient priveledge of residing in the holy land.They are a roque nation that would not exist if not for the united nations under US direction because of a lie that the US needs them as an ally in the middle east.They have done nothing but been a thorn in the side to the US.I have read some of the treachery of the dealings with the US and can not believe the nerve of these people expecting the US to continue to loan them money and military aid .To me it wouldn't matter if the whole place became a damn nuclear wasteland.
Joanadandy, You are right about the diversity of the Jews. But you miss the point. Yes they celebrate passover with a vengence and avoid eating pork. yum yum, especially candy glazed ham. But I am talking about their agenda. People tend to look at me with a blank stare when I say this. I always hear the word racist when I tell of the agenda.And you are right it is a minority of the Jews who have a knowledge of this agenda, but the part that is scary is that these Jews with the agenda are rich, powerful and hell bent on seeing that it comes to fruition. Do you know who controls our mass media in this country? Why does the media in this country not dare criticize (ever) the Israeli agenda? Why do we never hear of Israeli terrorism and war crimes but only Palestinian terorrism and war crimes? It is because a cabal of rich, powerful Jews own and operate the main stream media. No I am not a conspiracy nut, do some research and you'll find I am right. I just hope as Spider Monkey said that these insane morons (Israel &Palestine) don't leave a land that glows. Also did you know the Israel has sold US military hardware and secrets to our enemy the Red Chinese. Some friend huh? Did you know that the worlds largest purveyor of child porono lives and is protected by Israel. Did you know that the Europes largest child prostitution ring is owned and operated by an Israeli who lives in Israel. He never uses Jewish children only us Goyim. Goyim is a dirty Christian. Are these the ramblings of a fanatic? I think not, I subscribe to many of European newspapers E-mail versions. I read the truth not the lies that our American media is feeding us. Try it some time, you'd be amazed as to what is really going on in the world.