So Who Wants To Be Married To A Doormat?

by Englishman 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    In her book “The Surrendered Wife”, California housewife Laura Doyle advises married women to submit to their husbands in all circumstances. She says that the man should take absolute control in every imaginable situation, and that the woman should be passive, always giving way to her husband. She should give her husband all of her salary, and if she gets a little bit back to spend, well, she should be very grateful to her lord and master for his kindness.

    Over on H20, pro-witness poster Flair claims that women need discipline just like children do. He advocates spanking as a means of keeping wives under control. This is in addition to the WTBTS dictates re women being submissive to the husband, otherwise known as “The Head Of The House”.

    My question is this: If you are a male, is this sort of relationship, where the female is submissive to you, preferable to a relationship where both partners regard themselves as individuals with equal rights? Now for the girls, do you prefer to be in a relationship where the male always takes the lead? Or is it possible that marriage requires a degree of provocation to give it some spice?

    Just for the record, I`m trying to figure out just how appropriate the witness way of marriage is in 2001.


  • trevor

    Englishmen should know,

    That doormats make very good wives. They never answer back or come home late. They are useful cuddly and cheap to own, cost very little to change when they get old and can be shared by friends without guilt. Mine has a has an Egyptian pattern on it and never gets jealous of my other wife who has none of the above virtues.


  • AuSet

    I just happened to see that interview with Laura Doyle on Nightline one evening as I was flipping through the channels, and I was appalled! The woman actually claims she is a feminist, and that she feels to let the man control everything saved her marriage and that she's totally happy now. (A-hem, excuse me, but that is complete bulls#$%)

    As for me, I was sick and tired of my stepdad's ordering the rest of us around like slaves while he sat on his "throne." He would use scriptures to justify his treatment of us and our mother, and I would get so angry that my mother never said a word back..obviously she felt she couldn't defend herself to a scripture in front of "impressionable" children. When I got out of the house I was determined not to let the same thing happen in my marriage, and that was a big part of the reason I married a "worldly" guy!

    BTW, my Mom is still an active witness but has gone back to school and is going to be working for the first time ever! Boy was Dad ticked!

  • Englishman


    Ha ha! Most amusin`I must say. The last time I stroked an Egyptian the sensation was similar to caressing coconut matting. Now tell me.......What was it that doormats were made from?

    By the way, I`m disappearing for a few days, were off to Center Parcs at Sherwood Forest.


  • philo


    I admire Mrs Doyle for finding such a controversy to write about. She's like an OT prophet looking for something to declaim about which will really P155 everyone off, or at least the women.


  • Angharad


    Have a great time, I'm so jealous, we've been there with the kids, it was brilliant.

  • nicolaou

    From Englishman's original post:
    "Over on H20, pro-witness poster Flair claims that women need discipline just like children do. He advocates spanking as a means of keeping wives under control."

    Well my wife would probably like to rip Flair's head off and spit down her neck!
    All the same, she does love a good spanking so maybe there's something in this????


  • RedhorseWoman

    I think that was the only doctrine my husband missed from his JW days.

    He occasionally pulls the "I am your lord and master" crap. I occasionally am able to catch my breath long enough while laughing hysterically to acknowledge his statement with a "Yes, dear. Of course you are, dear."

  • expatbrit


    I want my wife to kick ass! And, despite being an active JW, she does. One of my few amusements in field service was watching the wimpy elders nervously giving her directions, then smiling like puppy dogs as they waited to see if she'd do what they said or give them the steely "you're a complete arsehole" glare.

    I can't stand the women who, when you ask them a question, look to their husbands to see if he approves of their answer. I can't stand it when women have to go to their husbands to get money instead of having their own bank and credit cards (it happens, I've seen it!).

    Women are every damn bit as valuable, intelligent and worthy of respect and rights as any bloody man!

    I love confident women. I love conversing with them, competing with them and working with them.


  • unanswered

    i love that my wife questions me. it keeps me on my toes. when i earn her respect it means something. i've never been attracted to women who won't stand up for themselves.

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