An article from the Dallas Morning News about this incident. I thought it was good.
McKinney Texas pool party?
by Marvin Shilmer 305 Replies latest social current
Ole lil' d*k Casebolt didn't have to resign. If he truly felt that what he did was professional and in keeping with the standards of policing, he had the option of staying and lining up support from the officers union to plead his case and keep his job the city officials, police chief, and other officers onsite be damned.
No...he just took the easy way out as what should have been expected of his cowardly ass so that he could keep his pension, avoid being fired which was surely forthcoming, and to avoid being called to the carpet for his cough**cough***heroic***cough acts.
We'll see him again working for another law enforcement organization soon and getting into the same trouble. Little men with the constant need to prove that "theirs" is bigger than everyone else's gravitate to badge and gun jobs where they can run around playing Billy Badass without getting their lights punched out.
Marvin Shilmer
violias, thanks for sharing that well written article. -
I read an account from one of the neighbors that gives a little more back story. Take it with a grain of salt because it's off the internet and unverified.
This was a private community pool in an upscale neighborhood. It started out as a small party but due to social media, more and more people arrived who were not residents, not friends, and not invited. As more people arrived, they ran off the neighbors trying to use the pool. Some who couldn't get in, started jumping the fence. Some were drinking and smoking pot. At some point a rapper showed up, hooked up his loudspeakers and was blaring profane music.
The community security guards and some of the neighbors tried to put a stop to it and they were run off too. Then some of the kids started throwing bottles at passing cars and damaging property.
The cops then showed up and that's part of what is shown on the video.
I think the one cops treatment of the girl was a little excessive. Police are trained to get control of the situation first, and he looked like a guy suffering sensory overload with so many people running around..
I get that the police protect and serve all of us but that includes the neighbors too. If I had a bunch of hooligans show up next to my house blasting music and throwing bottles at cars and people, I'd yell at them to get back to their section 8 housing too. It doesn't excuse unprofessional behavior by the police, but the idiocy and lack of respect for authority that incites all of this to begin with never seems to get reported on.
"I'd yell at them to get back to their section 8 housing too. "
So all of the party attendees were from section 8 housing? Even the ones who lived in the community?
Doesn't matter where they live. When logic and reason fails, you're wasting your breath. If it was any other place, I'd just leave. But I can't leave since it would be next door to my house. Since I have to waste my time standing out front to protect my property, I might as well waste my breath as well. And ridicule is the most personally satisfying waste of breath I can think of.
The officer resigned b/c even his Chief said he was out of control. He did it for the benefit of the city and all concerned so we will never be Baltimore. He needs some time off and some therapy and he'll probably move somewhere else. Police officers are human and yes he was wrong but no one died or even got hurt and the other officers behaved professionally .
McKinney will not let the race baiters win- they will solve this problem and do it without the people who make a living out of stirring up trouble between races( you know who they are).
Another more comprehensive article about what happened before the cops showed up. Very interesting reading.
I have looked at the link that violias has provided it does give a different perspective maybe true. I don't trust the news media to report things accurately either. Sounds like we need a jury to decide what really happened. I have had teenage daughters too and if I ever saw some copp treat one of my daughters like this there would be hell to pay. -
Now that the anti-hero police officer's character has been laid bare for all to see and the subsequent character assassination of the bikini clad girl has fizzled out, we're now directed to go to a right wing blog full of innuendo, suppositions, apparently(s), and assumptions to read what really happened.